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Zelda Gameplay

With the up coming Zelda game coming out I would like to talk about the differences in the game play of Zelda games, primary open world exploring or linear narrative driven plot. This will talk about the good and bad of each.
I like the way that ocarina of time made it seem like you were exploring but really the only place that you do not have to go at all for the story is Lon Lon Ranch and the fishing hole. This made it seem like an open world game but it really was not. Now this is good in the sense that you are guaranteed to see everything that the map has to offer. There was nothing to miss because every where you went story would be happening. The down side is that the total sum of the map will be defined by the story. If there is a hour long story the map will not be that big. It could be big but it would be empty and like the Twilight Princess Hyrule Field, which is hated for being empty will nothing to do no side quest no story.
But the way Zelda 1 and the upcoming Zelda Breath of the Wild looks like they will have that true exploration based where if you want to wander into the 8th temple sure go ahead do it, but with the lack of items and hearts will be your ultimate limiting factor, but you can only get in as far as the temple will allow before you need a certain item. Just like the original Legend Of Zelda. If you could find it, you could wander in the 8th dungeon with nothing but a wooden sword. you could not get very far because you needed some items like bombs and boomerangs and bow and arrows along with some power bracelets and such. The benefit to this type of game is expansive worlds to explore the map is as big as the developer wants it to be. The down side is that it could turn into a Twilight Princess Hyrule Field with nothing to do in. But Zelda Breath of the Wild looks to be taking care of that with plenty of exploration taking place in the game.
My opinion? I like a mix of both if Ocarina Of Time had been a little more exploitative i could rank it higher in my Zelda rankings. I like The clashing of the two catagories and if they blend perfectly you have a great zelda game. Hopefully Breath of the Wild has plenty of things to do in its huge map that it has.