3 legendary dogs Sets

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Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
I'm gonna try exploring different things people can do with legendary pokemon. I decided to start with the legendary dog trio just because so here's what I've come up with:


Suicune @Rocky Helmet
Ability: Pressure
Bold Nature
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 Sp. Def
-Icy Wind

Suicune has great natural bulk. 252 HP allows suicune to last for quite a while with 252 Def. Rocky Helmet punishes physical attackers greatly. Tailwind serves to speed up its teammates, Icy wind serves to potentially slow down the opponent, Snarl helps suicune deal with special attackers, and Scald is Suicune's optimal STAB option due to the chance of burning the opponent.


Raikou @Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
Timid Nature
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk, 4 Sp. Def, 252 Spe.
-Volt Switch
-Calm Mind
-HP Ice

Raikou excels at Speed and Special Attack, with great Special Defense as well. Max Sp Atk and Speed EVs makes a great speedy special sweeper. Leftovers allow Raikou to have passive recovery during the battle. Discharge and Thunderbolt are 2 great STAB options for Raikou, Calm Mind let's Raikou add power to its amazing Special Attack, Volt Switch allows Raikou to safely switch in one of it's teammates, and HP Ice serves as a check for Garchomp and Landorous-T.


Entei @Charcoal
Adamant Nature
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 HP, 4 Spe.
-Sacred Fire
-Flare Blitz
-Stone Edge
Entei can make for a great physical attacker. It has amazing HP, Physical Attack, and Speed so I thought it could easily be a Flare Blitz specialist. However Sacred Fire is one of the best moves Entei could have as it is not only very powerful but has a 50% chance of burning as well. Charcoal boosts the power of flare blitz and sacred fire. Max HP and Atk investment allows it to use Flare Blitz more often. Sacred fire and flare blitz are Entei's prime STAB moves, Extremespeed let's it take out anything that could outspeed it, and Stone Edge is another very powerful move entei can learn.

Note that the sets used weren't meant to be as these pokemon on a team but rather as their own, or to adapt to someone else's team. These sets were made keeping in mind where each Pokemon excelled the most. I hope you find these sets helpful and maybe make changes to adapt to your own team.