A New 3DS XL or a New Wii U Gamepad?

  • Thread starter Pokechamp
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What should I get?

  • A New 3DS XL

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Robobot Armor...engage!
Towns Folk
You see, Six months ago, My Wii U Screen broke. I was not able to play a lot of games except Smash. Now, I need your help. What should I get for My Birthday in 12 Days? A New 3DS XL or a New Wii U Gamepad?
Since you already own a 3DS, I'd go for the new gamepad. Since the only new thing you can play with the New 3DS is Xenoblade, I don't see a point in getting a New 3DS without fixing your Wii U first. There is more you can get from fixing the gamepad than from getting a new 3DS.
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a wii U gamepad because like @SunnyWindy said you already have a 3ds so you only should get the new 3dsXL when your 3ds breaks or new games come out because why have 2 3ds systems if you could have 2 different systems a 3ds and a wiiU so yes you should definitly go for the gamepad because if you get the new 3ds XL no point except for Xenoblade chronicles 3d if you really want that game.
New GamePad. Assuming you already have a 3ds system, it doesn't seem right to get a New 3DS XL unless you're a huge xenoblade fan. Plus you could play your Wii U again, so I find no reason not to get a new GamePad over the New 3ds XL..
New GamePad. Assuming you already have a 3ds system, it doesn't seem right to get a New 3DS XL unless you're a huge xenoblade fan. Plus you could play your Wii U again, so I find no reason not to get a new GamePad over the New 3ds XL..

Even if you're a die-hard fan of Xenoblade, the N3DS port isn't worth the money you'd be cashing in. Not to mention the fact that you can play the Wii version on your Wii U, that'd be cheaper, despite the fact that copies are overpriced.

So, get a new GamePad. A lot of the games that will be out this year (Starfox Zero, Xenoblade X to only list those, maybe more games will use it) uses the GamePad actively, so, having a new Wii U GamePad will be way more worth than having the N3DS which is used only for two or three games.

(Also, doesn't Wii games support the GamePad if the game requires a Classic Controller ? I though I read that somewhere, but, if that's the case and if you want to play Xenoblade on your Wii U, you can use the GamePad in Wii Mode.)
I am getting A new 3DS. You see, the Gamepad doesn't have a lot of games that are out right now. I am waiting until Christmas so I can get the Gamepad with Splatoon, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Super Mario Maker, and Starfox Zero. Also, I don't think a Wii game should cost 80 dollars, so I would rather get the 3DS Port.
So you're going against everyone's opinion then :p

Well, as you wish ;)
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