Spin Off A Pokemon Game With All Six Reigons Will Never Happen

  • Thread starter King A.R.K
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King A.R.K

King A.R.K

Towns Folk
To many Professors to may citys to many starters level management ,item management , we would have to have poke bank for this game , would have to be on a consle cuz thats a lot of memory, sooo long, too many elite fours, to many champions , catching all 721 would become boring , so many storylines , IT WOULD BE COOL BUT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN im sorry
I think this could actually happen. I've thought about this before and I think it would be a great idea.

Nintendo could easily make a storyline with all the storylines smashed into one, or possibly an entire new one, maybe a new 7th region could also be in this one, all the gym leaders smashed into one or something like that, and the same for profs, elite fours, blah.

Maybe they could all be there and you have to choose which one to goto, like you could go to City A for Wallace/Juan or City B for Crasher Wake.
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The ultimate game will be one with ALL regions in it (almia, mystery dungeon, etc.)
I'm thinking there's a possibility it may happen. For the data, I think it would come close to being squeezed.
For levels, I was kinda thinking:
1st: 1 - 50
2nd: 51 - 70
3rd: 70 - 90
4th: 90 - 100
Then everything else could be something like a requirement for something. Like, Region 5 to get inside the Battle (name) of that game. Then, Region 6 would unlock more things.

So this game, if ever created, would be much, much more difficult than every other.

I don't know about story, though. That'll depend on the writers.
As much as I wish this could happen, I highly doubt it.
This game would take up way too much space for a 3DS cartridge. Level spacing would have to be completely redone, meaning leveling up takes even longer. That would suck. For example, if you began in Region 1 (lets say Kanto just because) and chose Charmander, it probably would not evolve to Charmeleon until probably around Region 3 or even 4! Thats a bit ridiculous, and causes the game to feel like it is going too slow therefore decreasing replay value. The difficulty to get every Pokemon would now be pointless since you can find every poke in this game. This ruins the point of pokemon bank and other dowloadable features for pokemon. The storyline would be so ridiculously long it would be boring. This game would have so many glitches... Theres too many problems. Its a neat idea, but itll never work.
Guys it is possible, every region would be a separate region and I presume you would put all your Pokemon in the PC before moving onto the next one. I would imagine a game like this atm would be incredibly expensive as well, considering it would basically be a 6-in-1
This may only happen either if they decide to make a Wii U mainseries game (which seems unlikely but if they copy and paste stuff from XY/ORAS then there's more possibilities for time to remake all the regions, develop a legit story, compose remixes/new stuff, etc. or they wait for a handheld with enough power and memory to even not wear the battery down all the way. I hope they plan this for the end of Pokemon's lifespan however I don't want a measly 6 regions. I want Orre involved as well as the basic mainseries regions because they are still able to be transferred to recent games and it would be really cool for the game to recognize Pokémon came from Orre again because that is the farthest distance a Pokémon can travel (GCN > GBA > DS > Gen 5 > Pokémon Bank > XY/ORAS > ?) and it would be very meaningful to people who played the GCN Pokémon games rather than the GBA ones when they were a kid.
It could work if it was a WiiU title.

It would be cool if they did a system where there are multiple choices. Like you can choose to start in whichever region you wanted and later on after you finished your first region you deposit your Pokemon from the region in the PC and move to your next one, but when you move onto the next one you are still using the same character and your achievements from the other region are still remembered.

In my opinion it's best tho to leave a single region for a single game. It makes the game more memorable plus it takes hours to beat 1 Pokemon game. Imagine how long a game would be with all the regions :p