The Masochistic Hardcore Player XP
Towns Folk
Theres honestly a lot of places you can farm weapons in this game, but theres a couple very, very good places that seem to have pretty nice rare rates with seals and high power weapoms. but be warned the two maps im going to describe here are some of the longest areas in the game and will require preferrably a team of lv 80+ characters with already adequate weapons (you dont need perfect seal spreads but having at least one person with one is suggested), and youll need to have the main story cleared as well since youll need to be a little patient and wait for the blood moon to spawn in the correct places.
the two maps that will 98% guaranteed drop you a lot of weapons for more than one character are all hyrule united and each step like thunder. these maps have the largest amounts of boss enemies and some of these are technically optional, but this time you want to make sure to kill ALL of the bosses to maximize the weapon loot. you have to spread everyone out so make sure to bring a team youre reasonably confident with as you dont want to take too long dealing with the boss enemies. if a character youre less skilled with needs better weapons, i suggest carrying them on the lesser blood moon maps like hyrule field or guardian run-a-mok since there arent any particularly threatening bosses or tough hordes there even when the blood moon appears. im pretty decent with several characters but do have my favorites like most so i have a good amount of reliable options for these tough maps.
now, yes you could probably solo with one character on all hyrule united, but this isnt recommended since it can make completion pretty tedious and take you much longer to finish, so only do this if too many of your characters arent good enough to handle the respawning boss enemies here. for the lesser equipped or less skilled, Impa is an easy choice for boss killing and if you have 3x attack speed for her theres nothing she cant deal with as long as you dont have her badly underlevelled. also, impa is rarely locked out for story missions making her an easy first-hand and very beginner friendly choice. its easy to wipe hordes and boss shred just by generating clones and mashing the heck out of Y so if youre stuck or these areas are causing trouble, definitely try her.
these two areas can be cleared in as little as 20 minutes depending on the strength of your team, but remember to keep someone at the base at all times during each step like thunder--if the guardians camp out in the base too long you will either clock out or the base will get destroyed which is automatic failure. this is why its important to have your strongest character stay at the base for this one. if the guardians are kept out of the base,the timer never appears. if they get inside but are defeated quickly, the timer will stop counting down. this is easily extremely daunting at first, but the solution to this area's problems are easily resolved: keep someone at the base always, and have your other two characters kill the bosses one by one that are outside. go for the outposts last to avoid spawning some extra bosses before all the initial ones are wiped out.
this gives you both massive EXP and tons of weapon drops, same with all hyrule united. as long as youre reasonably patient and take out all the bosses youll be fine. i dont advise however doing this on very hard just to grind, it will make things pretty nasty and be less efficient since the enemies will become significantly harder and do a lot of damage to you; remember, normal or easy are best when youre only grinding. if its too hard to grind these on easy then youre likely too underlevelled or with very weak weapons. remember, they show us "recommended level" for a reason...
hope this helps anyone needing a lot more drops though ! =)
the two maps that will 98% guaranteed drop you a lot of weapons for more than one character are all hyrule united and each step like thunder. these maps have the largest amounts of boss enemies and some of these are technically optional, but this time you want to make sure to kill ALL of the bosses to maximize the weapon loot. you have to spread everyone out so make sure to bring a team youre reasonably confident with as you dont want to take too long dealing with the boss enemies. if a character youre less skilled with needs better weapons, i suggest carrying them on the lesser blood moon maps like hyrule field or guardian run-a-mok since there arent any particularly threatening bosses or tough hordes there even when the blood moon appears. im pretty decent with several characters but do have my favorites like most so i have a good amount of reliable options for these tough maps.
now, yes you could probably solo with one character on all hyrule united, but this isnt recommended since it can make completion pretty tedious and take you much longer to finish, so only do this if too many of your characters arent good enough to handle the respawning boss enemies here. for the lesser equipped or less skilled, Impa is an easy choice for boss killing and if you have 3x attack speed for her theres nothing she cant deal with as long as you dont have her badly underlevelled. also, impa is rarely locked out for story missions making her an easy first-hand and very beginner friendly choice. its easy to wipe hordes and boss shred just by generating clones and mashing the heck out of Y so if youre stuck or these areas are causing trouble, definitely try her.
these two areas can be cleared in as little as 20 minutes depending on the strength of your team, but remember to keep someone at the base at all times during each step like thunder--if the guardians camp out in the base too long you will either clock out or the base will get destroyed which is automatic failure. this is why its important to have your strongest character stay at the base for this one. if the guardians are kept out of the base,the timer never appears. if they get inside but are defeated quickly, the timer will stop counting down. this is easily extremely daunting at first, but the solution to this area's problems are easily resolved: keep someone at the base always, and have your other two characters kill the bosses one by one that are outside. go for the outposts last to avoid spawning some extra bosses before all the initial ones are wiped out.
this gives you both massive EXP and tons of weapon drops, same with all hyrule united. as long as youre reasonably patient and take out all the bosses youll be fine. i dont advise however doing this on very hard just to grind, it will make things pretty nasty and be less efficient since the enemies will become significantly harder and do a lot of damage to you; remember, normal or easy are best when youre only grinding. if its too hard to grind these on easy then youre likely too underlevelled or with very weak weapons. remember, they show us "recommended level" for a reason...
hope this helps anyone needing a lot more drops though ! =)