Am I the only one who isn't a fan of the yellow Joy-Cons?

  • Thread starter Marc
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"Marc's the sugar daddy of gaming" - Artisan 2020
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So apparently yellow Joy-cons are going to be a thing for the Nintendo Switch :eek:


It'll be available as an add-on accessory you can purchase on June 16th, 2017.

Am I the only one who isn't a fan of the color?
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Well for me if it is cheaper then the gray ones. Then I would get it, but yeah I don't like it eather.
I would get it because it's one of my favorite shades of yellow, but my only issue is that it might blind people in the light. :/
I'll get it just for the sake of having 2 of every joycon colour. But I feel like in the daytime I'm probably gonna feel like I'm looking at a sun reflector and probably become blind. Besides that, I kind of like the shade of yellow they put on the joycon and I'm glad we're not stuck with the grey, red and blue joycons. It kind of reminds me of the new Nintendo switch game ARMS coming out
They're a bit too bright for my liking. They could've introduced a better colour like Red, Blue or Purple. I don't think these will sell very well. It's Neon Yellow so it's even more blinding. xD
Actually this is my favorite color! I was a bit surprised and I'm excited for these Joy-Cons to come out. I'm assuming that they will still have the $80 price tag for both Left and Right Joy-Cons and that's the only drawback for me. Instead I bought the neon yellow cover grips for my gray Switch Joy-Cons as of now for $15. The cover grip package came with Left and Right neon yellow and Left and Right black, perfect for radioactive game play. :p
I don't like the neon Joy Cons in general. They're not neon, they just look like bright and faded red, blue and yellow.
I can see it now, a Smash Bros. game happens and the player who lost complains his controller blinded him while he was playing regardless of the "no johns" rule. Although the color may make it easier to see your controls who even looks at their controller anyways? I think it's better than getting the red and blue ones as they match but that's the only time I'd want them. Maybe Nintendo wants to support the sports player demographic. Ever seen neon yellow/green shoes? They are meant to make a statement.
It kind of reminds me of the new Nintendo switch game ARMS coming out

Well, I think you got that point right given that it's announced after the ARMS segment of Nintendo Direct ended, so I think it would be nice compliment to it. And I think Neon Yellow Joy-cons are alright and adds a nice collection of Joy-con colors nicely along with blue, red and gray one, even though personally I prefer blue over yellow one just because.
  • #10
I've only liked the gray Joy-cons so far.

all of the others are too bright for me
  • #11
I was never a fan of yellow, but I am glad they are showing new colors already. I'm also hoping they keep enough of these color/ future color combos in stock for fans who want them.

I'm personally hoping for a neon pink and neon green set for Splatoon 2. ( Ya know because of Callie and Marie lol) I have a friend who wants a pair of orange ones. No clue if these will ever happen, but it would be really neat if so. Although it's hard for me to get another set. $80 is a bit much, but who knows maybe some other color will break me. It won't be this ugly highlighter yellow however.
  • #12
When I finally got my nintendo switch, I was dreaming about those neon colored joy-cons. Unlucky me, I just got kind of late and I could get the gray standard joy-cons. When watching the last nin direct and hear about the new colored joy-cons I was like Whaaat?? Wouldn´t be better to launch multicolored joy-cons once and for all? rather than launching game themed joy-cons
  • #13
Why yellow? So that when your cat pees on it, your friends won't notice?? :hilarious:

Sometimes the color choices make no sense to me. A red 3DS XL? Nyh... no. Pink? Well, pink isn't a color I'd want to flaunt around all the time, and besides that, the inside of it is white. I wanna be focused on the game, not blinded by the border surrounding it. >w<

Blue makes sense. I could see green. Red for Mario would also make sense, I guess... heck, even purple would be worth a shot.

but yellow? .....Why? I can't justify that one. :meh:
  • #14
I think yellow is an ok colour as long as they make more of different colours. There are some fans of that shade but most people I know don't really care for it and to make people buy it because there's such a small range of colours is a bit mean. I also really want their to be some 'themed' ones. A mario one, Link one, Samus one, Pikmin one, Luigi one, Peach one, Daisy one, Waluigi one. The possibilities are endless.
  • #15
I can see them releasing an additional green colour as well. This way, theyll have red, green, yellow and blue. This will make it easier to play four-player joy con games.
Maybe in the future they'll have purple and pink?