I made Resetti's Bad list.
Banned User
This is a pretty simple thread, just go into detail about why you like (or hate) certain animes. You can talk about arts styles, characters, plot, things you like about stuff you hate and vice versa, etc. Please do not list more than 5 animes, and any spoilers are to be put in spoiler tabs, not the whole explaination, but just spoiler portions.
Any who, my animes:
Attack on Titan: I love this so much due to catchy music, great character development makes me love everyone, and as im writing this im watching it. My only problem is that all the unnessisary blood is not needed at all
Soul eater: I love every character to no end, the art style is one of the best ive ever seen, the first season main theme is gr8 m8, and i could just curl up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn
Sword art online: art and music is some of my favorite, and i thought it was going to be amazing... then episode 11 came along and made it a trash anime.
Any who, my animes:
Attack on Titan: I love this so much due to catchy music, great character development makes me love everyone, and as im writing this im watching it. My only problem is that all the unnessisary blood is not needed at all
also annie vs eren (titans) is amazing
Sword art online: art and music is some of my favorite, and i thought it was going to be amazing... then episode 11 came along and made it a trash anime.