Another Crowdfunding for... Mighty No.9 (Again?)

  • Thread starter dwikrid
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Noblesse Oblige
Towns Folk
According to their Kickstarter update, anyone who isn't a backer but want to contribute can help funding their new stretch goal. The money will go to the bonus content (for now, it's an English full voice over for $100,000). Though they already got approx. $4 million...
Oh and also, there will be an animated series of Mighty no.9 by Digital Frontier (Ao Oni). IMO, unfortunately Beck looks childish and unexperienced there - he loses the cool Beck portrayed in the game.

So, what are your thoughts?
Four million dollars and they need more? Does this look like 'Chinese Democracy'? :panda:

(Chinese Democracy is a Guns N Roses album that cost $14 million to make, I'm not snapping at the Chinese :p)

Well, a full English voice-over would be good. Pretty huge budget for a game of its kind though. I'm sure they'll get their goal, because this game is pretty hyped as, ehrm, the 'new Megaman' :D

The animated series is cool for people who love the game, I might watch it myself if I like the game enough :giggle: Though why they brutalize Beck :cry:
Hopefully with all the money that their getting from their kickstarters they'll make it into a franchise like megaman and have many sequels or they can add a lot of Free dlc. I wish they made Beck less childish looking imo in the show.
Double-funding isn't a good idea. While I'm okay with devs using Kickstarter, because they want their game to be popular, or simply raise money for the development, I'm not okay with double-funding.

Don't get me wrong, but it gives me the feeling that they're almost harassing people to get money. Even though people get something after funding, it's still sounds like 'forcing people to throw money at you' for me.

Edit: But that won't force me not to buy the game, because I'll give it a try once it'll be on the eShop.
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@Spinnerweb it's big, and because of Inafking, people believed that the game would be awesome - and thus, spent bucks. Still, it's a really big budget. English voice-acting for an action game... It'd be different if we talked about RPG.

@D4rkDragon I think so, too. I'm not a backer, - will buy the game on the eShop - but still, it feels wrong.
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This is going to turn off so many people! If they can get the job done with 4 million ....

How about actually finishing the game before before starting to branch out in new areas and asking for more money. Talk about putting the cart before the horse!
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Whether the game would be good or not, I don't like the strategy. Asking more money after the crowdfunding succeeded might mean two things: (1) they need more money, and/or (2) they are unprepared. What I mean is, when English VA is important (let's say, for younger gamers), why didn't they put that stretch goal in the first Kickstarter?
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I think they were expecting it to be a Japanophile's game, I mean, a lot of games intended for gamers who like Japanese games have the Japanese voice acting only because there's a misconception that Japanese voice acting is always better.

Now that they've noticed that everyone wants the game, they're putting in English voice acting, and asking for more money.
I think they shouldn't be actively asking for more crowdfunding support. They should just have a donate page on their website and a note on what they are looking to add with extra money. What they've done is made it seem like they really need more money to make the original game they promised, which is not the case. Explain to your backers that it is just an extra feature which can be made possible with some more money I hope that this is the case and that they don't actually need more money to accomplish what they originally set out to do.
  • #10
I don't think this was a good idea, still the extra crowdfunding was for accepting pre-purchases and getting money for an English dub...

Still, they did got around 3 million for make the game! And it will cost around 30 bucks once released!
It's an indirect way to be greedy...

Four million dollars and they need more? Does this look like 'Chinese Democracy'? :panda:

(Chinese Democracy is a Guns N Roses album that cost $14 million to make, I'm not snapping at the Chinese :p)

Well, a full English voice-over would be good. Pretty huge budget for a game of its kind though. I'm sure they'll get their goal, because this game is pretty hyped as, ehrm, the 'new Megaman' :D

The animated series is cool for people who love the game, I might watch it myself if I like the game enough :giggle: Though why they brutalize Beck :cry:

Don't forget Kickstarter has a lot of taxes.