Another Fighter For The 3DS, Please!

  • Thread starter RichGamerton
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Towns Folk
In the past, we have seen fighters like Blazeblue, Street Fighter, Tekken, Dead or Alive, and wven more recently, Super Smash Bros appear on the 3DS. I would like to see more games of the fighting genre appear on the system like SoulCalibur or Virtua Fighter. What about you guys? What fighting game would you like to play on the 3DS?
Arcana Heart and Fighting Climax. Both of them are unlikely because Arcana Heart is an all-girl fighter and those rarely get localized so I wouldn't be able to play it even if it did get released in Japan, and Fighting Climax seems to be a Sony exclusive.
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Actually street fighter is already on the 3ds you can fight it on the e-shop if you look thorough enough.Well I do want Nintendo to make a 3d game for bleach seeing how they made ds game for bleach.
Persona Arena would be pretty cool but I doubt the 3DS has the hardware to support it. Marvel vs Capcom/ Injustice Gods Among Us would be pretty cool too.
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Even thougb I'm not really a big fan of fighters, I wouldn't really mind getting a SoulCalibur game on the 3DS. I have played the Soul Calibur on the GameCube a lot, and I really did enjoy it.
One thing I hope that comes out is a 3D-fighter, similar to the Dissidia-Final Fantasy games. I really love that genre of games, and seeing it has already been on a handheld (The PSP) it would certainly not be so hard to make a similar game for the 3DS.
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@Spinnerweb AH and FC on the 3DS would be something cool. I was also hoping for a Skullgirls game on the 3DS which is also a female based game. @DarkLord I know about SF on the 3DS. I used it in my example lol. But a Bleach isn't a half bad idea. @Ashkil YUSSSSS! I love P4A on the PS2! If that came to the 3DS, I would buy the bundle in a heartbeat. Although I am not the biggest fan of IGAU, Marvel vs Capcom would spark my interests as well. @AliTheAce DOUBLE YUSSSS! SC needs to return to Nintendo ( Especially since the Gamecube version didn't get a remake) As SC is one of my favorite series, I would be happy at this, too. And you are right about games like Dissidia coming to the 3DS. Considering that the 3DS is overshadowing the PSP, it will give Final Fantasy fans who have a 3DS the fix they need.
Capcom should make the game Powerstone for the 3Ds (With Nintendo Permission Of Course). The game was really popular on the Sega Dreamcast. When I was little my couson and I will always play this game, it was one of the best game we ever played. Anyways the game is 3-D fighting game where you could use your environments you're fighting in to your advantage. Somewhat similiar to smash but it more free realm. Here's a gameplay of Powerstone!
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I would like a 3ds Mortal Kombat
That would be awesome since there was no new Mortal Kombat Game on a Nintendo Console since Armagedon on the Wii
Also Mortal Kombat would be awesome in 3d and they could increase 3ds sales with porting Mortal Kombat X to the 3ds
I'd like a Tekken. I had a blast with Tekken 3 on PlayStation when I was younger. I'd pick it up again it a remake was to be done on 3DS.
  • #10
@Malladus Powerstone could work on the 3DS. I too loved it on the Dreamcast and it made it to the PSP so why not? @Eightcoins Mortal Kombaaaaaat! But yep, although I think this will need some support to happen. Still a good idea, though.
@SunnyWindy Did you read the introduction? There is a Tekken on the 3DS. Tekken 3DS Prime Edition comes with a movie on the cartridge so you are in luck! ;-)
  • #11
Tekken 3DS Prime Edition comes with a movie on the cartridge so you are in luck! ;-)
Ah, that. The movie was pretty mediocre with the English voice acting but, free movie, yay. :cat:

I'd love a new King of Fighters game or KoF XIII 3D too. I'm surprised no one mentioned it yet. :panda:
  • #12
I read the introduction yes, but totally missed it sorry! My bad ;)
  • #13
@Spinnerweb Oh I know about the movie's standard. How can I forget that manly voice Nina Williams?But as you said "free movie" so we can't complain :) @SunnyWindy No problem! It happens to the best of us!
  • #14
Mortal Kombat and Soulcaliber would both be amazing titles on the 3DS, I've played at least one game from either series. I think they would sell well and adding an online feature where you can battle your friends would be great! :3