Any good 3DS games?

  • Thread starter Zekamon
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Super Smash Bros. Kirby fighter
Towns Folk
Hey guys. So i bought the New 3DS but i only have Super Smash Bros. 4 so yeah. Im looking for a good game that i can buy. If you know one don't wait and write it down!

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Reactions: amirally27
Hmm , there are many options that you can choose from , depending on which genre of games that you like but I'll list a few remarkable games that are quite cool :
  • Pokemon X/Y OR/AS - a very addicting game and I'd recommend to get this one before all the others :p
  • Animal Crossing : New Leaf - a relaxing game where you can have your own town and do many fun stuff :D
  • Fire Emblem : Awakening - a very challenging or easy RPG game that it very nice as well
  • Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time / Majora's Mask - a good game for a puzzle and dungeons and action . Though I'd suggest getting OoT before MM.
So finally , I'd say either Pokemon X/Y or OR/AS would be good to get since there is many things that you can do in it and for competitive play as well as catching Pokemon which is really fun :D
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Reactions: amirally27, DJFoxx84, Moon Rain and 1 other person
Thanks for the answer Eridan! :D
There are plenty of fun games to try out on the 3DS.
Kirby's Triple Deluxe is a fun 3D Kirby game if you want to try that out.
Pokemon ORAS is the elegant remake of RSE and it's also really fun to play, plus you can participate in the Pokemon League here if that interests you.
Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask 3D is also a fun LoZ game to try out if you like the original or if you want to get into the Zelda series.
These are just a couple, I'm sure there are plenty of fun games of the 3DS for you.

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Reactions: amirally27
Hey guys. So i bought the New 3DS but i only have Super Smash Bros. 4 so yeah. Im looking for a good game that i can buy. If you know one don't wait and write it down!

Pokemon X,Y,ORAS if you like turn base or if you love pokemon then those games are for you
Mario and Luigi Dream Team is a good game as well
If you love a relaxing game like Animal Crossing? Animal Crossing New Leaf is for you
Like competitive games? i suggest Kid Icarus uprising
Mario Kart 7 is a good racing game
There's a lot of games so yeah, if you can see other people's suggestions on the game's reviews then try doing that.
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Reactions: amirally27
The best game if you dont have alot is new mario 2. If you dont like mario then tomodachi life. If you like majoras mask then wait awhile. On the 5th game majoras mask if you like the N64 version. Thats my opinion.
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Reactions: amirally27
I'd add Fantasy Life to the list. It's really a fun game with nice multiplayer features. It has a lot of hours of gameplay!
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D if you want a more challenging game. It's hard but really fun :)
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Reactions: amirally27 and DJFoxx84
-Try out the Fire Emblem Awakening demo. If you love it, buy the entire package and I guarantee you won't be disappointed.
-Get Kid Icarus: Uprising. It' odd genre but a well-done game by none other by Sakurai himself.
-I would be cautious about Mario 3D land and NSMB2. I tried them out, and they're pretty much watered down versions of their respective series. 3D land felt very isometric to me and limited with no identity and NSMB2 gold gimmick just didn't cut it for me.
-Though not a 3DS game (a DS game for that matter), you should give Picross 3D a shot if you love puzzle games. It's only like ~10 bucks in Best Buys. It's one of those hidden gems that never got the attention it deserved sadly. :/
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Reactions: amirally27
Luigi's Mansion 2 is a fantastic game, Luigi is full of life and the gameplay mechanics are great. Add to that, it has a nice spooky feel to it and at times, is quite difficult and they do a good job of making you feel Luigi's fear. Backtracking can be a bit boring at times and levels are somewhat long so it's not ideal for very short trips out if you only play during those times.

Oh, and while Super Mario 3D Land isn't the best Mario game, can be very easy at times and would have been a lot better IMO if it had a slightly tweaked art style (the New. style is quite boring to me now), it still is one of the best games on the system and is worth a shot if you enjoy Mario and 3D platformers.
  • #10
You should get new super Mario 3d land. It is a very fun and beautiful game. It is also very colorful and creative. Another great game is Ocarina Of Time. That game has loads and loads of adventure and action in it. You should also get Mario kart 7 which is very addicting and fun to play with friends. The items are also very fun to use. The last games that I am suggesting is Monster Hunter 3 or 4. You can hunt tons of monsters and have whatever type of hunter you want to be. The action is very fun in monster hunter.
  • #11
Animal Crossing is a great game for causal play.Mario Kart 7 is a great racing game.Pokemon X,Y,OR,AS are great games for people who love Pokemon and who love battling with Pokemon.Paper Mario Sticker Star for those who played the Paper Mario Series and for those who love Rpg games
  • #12
Hey guys. So i bought the New 3DS but i only have Super Smash Bros. 4 so yeah. Im looking for a good game that i can buy. If you know one don't wait and write it down!

There are so many games for the 3ds. So many. Not to mention that you can play DS and DSi games on it...that leads to thousands of games. THOUSANDS. Here are just some...

-New Super Mario Bros. 2
-New Super Mario Bros.
-Zelda: Majora's Mask
-Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
-Epic Mickey
-Colors! 3D
-Animal Crossing: New Leaf
-Monster Hunter 4
-Super Mario 3D Land
-Pokemon X
-Pokemon Y
-Mario Kart 7
-Luigi's Mansion
-Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
-Fantasy Life
-Lego Star Wars: The Complete Sega
-Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4/5-7
-Lego Jurrassic Park
-Kirby: Triple Deluxe
-Dragon Fantasy
-Mario & Luigi Dream Team

and so many, just so many more. I hope these are some good suggestions!
  • #13
There are lots of great 3DS games like Pokemon Y which is a great adventure exploring Kalos. Pokemon Omega Ruby which is a great remake to a fun game on the GBA. Zelda Majoras Mask 3D is an amazing game and I was hooked from the start. Hours of fun. Another is Ocarina of Time 3D which is loved by many. I have only played the original on Wii U Virtual console though Dx. There are so many more Like Mario 3D land, Mario & Luigi Dream Team Bros. Animal Crossing New leaf, Zelda a link between worlds and tons more!
  • #14
Welp,almost every 3DS game I have is considered good on my book,so I'll just go ahead and share my recommendations,other than Super Smash Bros. and Pokemon(because obviously,both are really awesome to spare your time with :p):

  • In for fun and replayable platformers?Super Mario 3D Land and New Super Mario Bros. 2 do just that.
  • How about a complex and expetacular RPG to give you a sensational experience?Those games are Fire Emblem Awakening,alongside Project X Zone as a personal recommendation.
  • Want to test your mind while also progressing in an engaging storyline?Look no further than the Professor Layton games(Miracle Mask,Azran Legacy and the Phoenix Wright crossover).
  • Searching for something to play while you have spare short time available?Other than Smash 4 and Pokemon X/Y/OR/AS,I'd say to go with Mario Kart 7.
  • Interested in exploring the world around you with great gameplay,navigation and presentation?Here's Luigi's Mansion 2,The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D and The Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds to succeed your expectations.
  • Are you wanting to experience yet another awesome story with a creative and entertaining twist?Combine rhythm with a deep storyline,and you have Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure ready to go.
I'm aware there are other great games to try out on the console,but these would be my personal suggestions for now. :thumbsup:
  • #15
If you're looking for indie/small games, Guild series from Level-5 and Cave Story can be downloaded from eShop.
  • #16
Seeing as how you are a kirby fan i would recommend you Kirby Triple Deluxe and since you are a kirby fan it would change the way you played kirby games in the past and enter you in a whole new world plus it has multiplayer and download play.Another one would be Kids Icarus Uprising since because of its graphics and gameplay as well as the story line.
  • #17
A good game is mario kart 7. But do not get mario kart 7 if you do not like mario games. The next one is my favorite 3ds game. It is a game called shovel knight. I think that you can only buy shovel knight on the eshop. I do not think that you can buy it in a case which I hate. It has good bosses that will keep you playing.
  • #18
It depends on what type of games you like
For shooters: get resident evil revelations, tom Clancy splinter cell 3D, Metal gear solid 3D or get ironfall invasion. All of these are resent shooters. Revelations and ironfall have online multiplayer. Resident evil is a zombie game, ironfall a shooting game and the other 2 are stealth shooters
For racing: Mario kart 7 may people have it and with all the vehicle combinations there is a lot of possibillies
For fun: Mario, Zelda or animal crossing. Helps you relaxs and all are good games