Any tips for shiny breeding

  • Thread starter Jeff The Killer
  • Start date
Jeff The Killer

Jeff The Killer

Go. To. Sleep!
Towns Folk
I know of the Masuda Method but has that worked for anyone? I've been breeding Eevee for a while along with Phione (which I give out through Wonder Trade) I haven't had any luck. I know I need patience but I was wondering if you guys knew or had any tips to higher the chances of getting a shiny Pokémon from the Day Care.
Yeah, Masuda Method has worked for me, but it was by surprise and I didn't expect it at all :p I managed to get 2 shiny Snivy by breeding Masuda Method but I was only breeding for IVs at the point (and Hidden Power Fire). Although they aren't really viable competitively, I managed to get two of them before the HP Fire one with a perfect spread (31/30/31/30/31/30). It didn't take me that long, but I'd never gotten any shinies by breeding before, then I suddenly I get two in two days :eek:

You can raise the chances by getting the Shiny Charm, but it takes a lot of effort to make a living dex (I don't have one). The Oval Charm can generally speed up hatching and getting Eggs to speed up the process generally and it isn't hard to get as you just need to see everything in the Kalos Dex.
Maybe i'll do some reasherch on tips and stuff for y'all Jeffrey
The shiny hunting way works but you won't get a good egg move you want and IVs/HPs.

Masusda is the best way but why were you doing it with a Phione? Dittos work best and use enchaners like Desinty Knot and you will be happy.
Get the Shiny Charm from the regional Professor. Get a foreign language Pokemon. That's all you really need to increase the chances of hatching a Shiny.