Any tips?

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The Hero in Green
Towns Folk
I tend to get post-game depression after beating a video game (the Zelda titles more often than others).

Any tips on avoiding this feeling? And no, it's not because I'm emo.
well I know exactly how you feel I do the same mine is more when I'm playing games like Dark souls, Dark Souls 2, and the such. My best advice for you is a couple of things. 1.) you could have another game lined up to start right after you finish, for example I'm playing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, and I have Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate lined up for next. 2.) you could do another play through, cause I know some people like to play through as fast as they can the first time around and then immediately start another play through and try to collect every single thing they can. I tend to do that on the xbox 360, mainly for the achievements lol. That's just my best advice
Just do it again, take it slow, and try to get all the items you can! Try doing it again with a friend, that can make it fun too.
Thanks for the advice! Sorry I'm getting back late; been out shopping with my parents all day. :\ Will take your advice though. Also mchristiansen I did plan to play Ocarina of Time 3D after finishing Majora's Mask 3D, but I never got my hands on a copy of the game before I finished Majora's Mask 3D. And Derpywolfman111, I can't play Majora's Mask 3D with a friend, but this time I will play through again, and collect all masks, Stray Fairies, and Pieces of Hart. Thanks again you guys!
Yep no problem friend, need any gaming advice in the future, just hit me up. I;ve more than likely played the game before lol my life is actually quite boring outside of school.