Anyone Anticipating SmileBASIC?

  • Thread starter SamKitsune
  • Start date


An Unknown Enity
Towns Folk
As a programmer who did used Petit Computer for the DSi, I'm actually prepared for this. It may be about $10, so I did have it stored in my account. With so many features, and a chance to show off a creation in an online server (as opposed to the QR codes from the previous title), this is definitely a programmer's joy. Even if anyone is not a programmer, playing free games from others is still something to look forward. I have planned games to make with SmileBASIC, but I do need to work on the artworks to give you a visual for what games I will work on.

Get more info from the official site.

Check this out!

I do hope you download it. It's not much, and who knows; you may enjoy free indies.
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I was going to buy the DSi one, but got taken down from the eshop. Thanks for sharing this, I'm really looking forward to this!
I was going to buy the DSi one, but got taken down from the eshop. Thanks for sharing this, I'm really looking forward to this!

No problem. I hope you play my games once it's uploaded.
I finally got the app! I hope you do as well. It's only $9.99 + tax.
I finally got the app! I hope you do as well. It's only $9.99 + tax.
It hasn't been released here yet. I'm in Europe. I think it's going to be about a month until it comes out for me.
I am looking forward to when I have enough to download this. This game is amazing, and as owner of Petit Computer, I can't wait to download this.
Almost forgot! On the official website, there are resource packs available for download! They are compatible with all releases. Also, judging by the Petit Computer's release dates, people like me who are in Europe will have to wait for almost a year to get this!
As a programmer who did used Petit Computer for the DSi, I'm actually prepared for this. It may be about $10, so I did have it stored in my account. With so many features, and a chance to show off a creation in an online server (as opposed to the QR codes from the previous title), this is definitely a programmer's joy. Even if anyone is not a programmer, playing free games from others is still something to look forward. I have planned games to make with SmileBASIC, but I do need to work on the artworks to give you a visual for what games I will work on.

Get more info from the official site.

Might look forward to it, even though I already have WarioWare DIY sitting in the corner of my room to make games.
*Checks features lists*

Ok, that's it, even though I'm not a fan of BASIC (I'd rather toy with a script-ish language or C/C++ because they're less error-prone than BASIC), I think I might get it (That's only if it makes its way to Europe). It do seems to bundle quite a lot of nice features, so why not ?

Though at the first glance, the code editor looks quite messy with all those buttons.
I was planning to post a thread about the game, but it's nice to see there's already one !
I picked it up yesterday, and am really glad I did. I'm only here to download games, since I don't plan to program anything for the moment, and it's surprinsing to see the amount of choice there already exist.
  • #10
Might look forward to it, even though I already have WarioWare DIY sitting in the corner of my room to make games.
*Checks features lists*

Ok, that's it, even though I'm not a fan of BASIC (I'd rather toy with a script-ish language or C/C++ because they're less error-prone than BASIC), I think I might get it (That's only if it makes its way to Europe). It do seems to bundle quite a lot of nice features, so why not ?

Though at the first glance, the code editor looks quite messy with all those buttons.

SmileBASIC, isn't too much like BASIC in a way with errors. I can assure you that it's easy to figure out and, as of now, very deep with the content. You can't make 3D games, yet, but it does have plenty of features to come up with any game.

It's a shame that it's not release in Europe, but it may come soon, maybe a couple of months. You can check out more details from the official site.

I was planning to post a thread about the game, but it's nice to see there's already one !
I picked it up yesterday, and am really glad I did. I'm only here to download games, since I don't plan to program anything for the moment, and it's surprinsing to see the amount of choice there already exist.

That's cool. Once I made a game, I'll post it. Until then, check out GameFAQS's SmileBASIC forum. There are others willing to make games for this. There's even another method to upload/download games. Of course, you can find Japanese games that are already created from that site, or YouTube. Still, have fun!
  • #11
I'll make sure to try your games ! o/

The Japanese website seems very efficient too.

There's even another method to upload/download games.

How does it work ? °°
  • #12
How does it work ? °°

It uses sound waves. Along with a PC and a 3DS, you will need a 3.5mm male-to-male cable and a 3.5mm female to two male splitter. Please read the forum for the instructions on how. It shouldn't be too difficult.
  • #13
Thanks !
On another note, I reproduced the maze from Petit Computer website on SmileBasic and slightly modified it :


The download key is 4KXKQ4KX.
The only thing is that I don't know what to do with the code to the maze to take the whole screen :/
  • #14
I updated the game, the new download key is L3CX8384.
Always don't know how to take the whole screen ; also I'm aiming to add a maze-solved counter but I can't print it correctly on the screen :/
  • #15
That would be interesting once you finish it.
  • #16
Well it's finished, sure there could be a lot of other things to do to improve the game, but I'm pretty happy with what I've done !
The final key is NRE52EBD !
  • #17
Apparently, there's a contest mentioned in the official site. It ends on January, though. I may have to work on a game . . . or maybe not. I do not know if my game even have recognition considering that I made it. I'm a ghost when it comes to competition . . . it's as if I didn't made anything at all . . . maybe it's best not to make a game, because it really doesn't matter. Either way, it will not be seen . . .
  • #18
Also, according to Siliconera (I have to retrieve the page), SmileBASIC seems to be compatible with the WiiU, with the games made with it being cross-platform (3DS games can be exported on the WiiU and vice-versa).

And apparently, from the same source, SmileBASIC will have DLC.
  • #19
They will work on the Wii U version of SmileBASIC. It won't be completed until maybe Spring 2016. It will be the same features as the 3DS version, except without the stereoscopic feature. It would be great if it supports 3D models, but I guess that would happen 8 years from now.
  • #20
They will work on the Wii U version of SmileBASIC. It won't be completed until maybe Spring 2016. It will be the same features as the 3DS version, except without the stereoscopic feature. It would be great if it supports 3D models, but I guess that would happen 8 years from now.

Just wait for somebody who will be able to port a 3D BASIC engine. It may happen faster than expected. Of course, that would require the models to be "side-loaded", since the editor doesn't come with a model editor. But in any case: it can happen. It's not because the editor forces you to a 2D engine that you can't fool around and make it 3D.

Even in the worst case, you could try to make a Mode-7 game (Super Mario Kart/Mario Kart:Super Circuit, F-Zero and such back in the GBA/SNES days used those for rendering tracks, and such.)