NintenPedia Member
Towns Folk
The thought of Skitty being Ash's best/first pokemon may sound crazy BUT... If he started with a Skitty like May had (according to the animae) it would lack listening and run off because of its love for play. Kind of like the way Pikachu sat around with no care as ash battled Pokemon himself; In fact Pikachu thought he was a person really. Skitty dont need no stone, its to good for one. Just Seakidding, eh, no... It needs a moonstone. But having the cutest Pokemon (besides Victini, Mew, and Eevee+all the Eeveelutions) would be great. But of course it would have to be introduced in Gen.1. We can just hope Ash will encounter a trainer or trainers in the future (in another Gen.) that have a Skitty.
Seakidding, Seaking, no, no one.

Seakidding, Seaking, no, no one.

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