Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
I recently discovered that you can get a thing called a bad egg from Wonder Trade. It is not cause by hackers but a glitch in the system. Apparently if you hatch it or get it in close proximity to PC Pokemon they will be infected and bad eggs will infect all your PC pokemon. Then, your game will crash and it will NO LONGER BE PLAYABLE! Look here----> Procedures for dealing with a bad egg in your pc:
1. Do not touch the egg! That means no checking moves, stats, anything. It may have an item attached, do not attempt to retrieve the item!
2. The box the bad egg is in is immediately QUARANTINED.
3. Immediately remove all Pokemon from the quarantined box. They can and WILL
be corrupted if they remain in close proximity to the bad egg.
4. Do not , I repeat, DO NOT attempt to withdraw the egg. Do NOT attempt to hatch the egg.
5. Your primary goal is to save all your Pokemon from infection. Treat a bad egg like you would a zombie pathogen that spreads via air.
6. Your secondary goal is to avoid the Pokemon "-----". At all costs.
EKK! Scary isn't it? Wonder Trade at your own risk guys!
1. Do not touch the egg! That means no checking moves, stats, anything. It may have an item attached, do not attempt to retrieve the item!
2. The box the bad egg is in is immediately QUARANTINED.
3. Immediately remove all Pokemon from the quarantined box. They can and WILL
be corrupted if they remain in close proximity to the bad egg.
4. Do not , I repeat, DO NOT attempt to withdraw the egg. Do NOT attempt to hatch the egg.
5. Your primary goal is to save all your Pokemon from infection. Treat a bad egg like you would a zombie pathogen that spreads via air.
6. Your secondary goal is to avoid the Pokemon "-----". At all costs.
EKK! Scary isn't it? Wonder Trade at your own risk guys!