Bastion: game review

  • Thread starter Deepak
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Professional procrastinator
Towns Folk

Bastion. The first time I saw that, I thought "is that short for sebastion" and i completely ignored the game. When the game went on sale a while ago i bought it because it had some good reviews and i had nothing left to lose (except all my eshop gold points). And boy am i glad i bought it. I loved the game so much and i have even named it my "favorite indie title" (for the time being).


So in the game, you are a kid that wakes up to find everything destroyed. You're not sure what happened exactly. You later find out there was an event called "the calamity" and it destroyed almost everything. You find this area called "the bastion" and your goal is to power it up and rebuild it by collecting shards. You find some survivors along the way (3 to be exact) and they are pretty important to the plot. Halfway through the game, you finish building the bastion but then something happens that forces you to start over (no spoilers).

Screenshot 2020-08-30 at 7.04.11 PM.png


The gameplay is pretty simple but really fun. Its your classic hack and slash where large hordes of enemies come at you and you fight them any way you please. There are 11 weapons and each weapon has a different gameplay style (twin revolver to spam shots, bow and arrow to hit multiple enemies, war machete for close range combat). You can equip two weapons at a time which gives you a lot of flexibility and you also get a special skill which can be changed too. There are some items scattered around which gives you some npc dialogue but not really collectibles. There are also "idols" which can make the game harder for you (if you want a challenge). Theres auto aim for long ranged weapons and it works out really well. I didnt find the game too hard except for a few levels but i definitely found it fun.


As you start the game, you notice a couple things. First of all, there's a narrator speaking throughout the game. The narrator is personalized to your gameplay. If you do a certain action, the narrator will say something different. This may sound like an annoying feature but it actually gives the story more depth as the narrator talks about everything as if its all in past tense. And you actually meet the narrator early on in the game. Another thing you notice is how the game looks so beautiful with many details and so many different areas. It truly was eye candy. And the last thing i'd like to point out is the extraordinary music. It is really unique but it goes along with the game quite well. (ear candy maybe?)

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Final verdict:
This game is definitely a must play. The whole game just goes together so well. There are some optional challenges you can take on and there is a new game plus where all your progress gets transferred over to a new game. You can replay the game with new weapon loadouts and you can experiment with new play styles which gives it some replayability. There was only one problem with the game: I wanted more when i finished the game. The game gives about 5-10 hours of gameplay and thats if you choose not to replay it. I recommend this game to basically anyone. It was such a good game and was a really enjoyable experience for me.
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Reactions: Trazzers and Mizunil
Great review! Transistor next!! :D
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