Ultimate Best primary spirit for hero? Solo spirit testing for fun

  • Thread starter Kadaj
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The Masochistic Hardcore Player XP
Towns Folk
ive been bickering for a while what spirit ive wanted to use on hero, particularly what primary spirit. i like to use gold mario so i kinda need a 3 slot one for that reason. some people say akuma is the best but ive found in general that he really isnt, he gets too easily outclassed by 3 slot legend spirits that use special up in all 3 slots, or any builds that some speedrunners use for ganondorf as well (hes a popular choice for cheesin fights but i prefer others that dont suffer from poor mobility as much. he gets less mobility than byleth and much worse recovery trying to get back up... and this is even worse with little mac which is why i dont use him often). and if you have a series bonus then yeah, unfortunately it ends up leaving akuma strangely overrated and just not adequate enough for even moderately hazardous conditions such as all lava, wind that never goes away (caeda is very notorious for this) and so on. even poison floors might be a problem but not as bad as the former here since you can move and attack on this without being stunlocked by a floor hazard or constantly and helplessly running against the winds of death. someone claimed they even used sonic on caeda and still got beat by the wind! not good =(

so what ive been looking at is hoping theres a strong primary with a magic boost for hero since he does a lot of this. critical works but lynn sadly has 2 slots, so no gold mario here... i tried marx but the damage output seemed the same as when i used beast gannon, even with the magic boost its supposed to give i didnt see much of a difference in damage. final smash bars also seem to fill at the same rate. unfortunately same series bonus might be out for him since his DLC board has all supports last i remember... i thought about using Tabuu but it said "Psi attack up". i know this works for ness and lucas but im not sure if Hero's spells would be affected by this... another somewhat confusing bit is some spirit battles have conditions that read "magic and psi attack up" and this adds yet another layer of confusion that makes them sound like the same thing!

any suggestions exclusively for hero?
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I like Mecha Fiora and Celebi. That's how I solo'd the last battle with Ganondorf. There might be more creative ways of doing it but this is simple and quick and still really useful.
Rhea from three houses could work. She is a primary with 3 slots. And she has magic attack up. Psi attacks are different from magic attacks. Psi attacks are the attacks done by lucas and ness. Or you could use hades final form with demon style. It ALMOST has the same stats as akuma but it comes with some extra slots. For secondary spirits, you could use "Fi" as she boosts neutral attack and neutral b for hero is super powerful. But you should just experiment with random combos.