
  • Thread starter Mikaya
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Towns Folk
Anyone watch any of the series? there were quite a few! I've seen them all to date. Metal fusion was a bit disappointing though, it's wasn't like the old ones which were much better.
I've watched the original, V-Force, and G-Revolution. Since then I've stopped watching it, since I believe they lost their original feel and fun of the series.
I've watched Metal Fusion, Metal Fury and a bit of Beywheels. Can't wait for Beyblade Burst.
I have a friend that is very obsessed with beyblade that his nintendo ID is Beybrain78 (The number 78 stands for how many beyblades he has). Though I have only played beyblade once a few years ago and it was pretty fun. :cat:
I remember really loving the first two seasons when I was a kid. Which where the originals with Tyson and co. until their metal beyblades. I had a lot of beyblades from the show up to V2 and before, and Dranzer MS was the only metal one I had. Though, I lost the bit beast and without it the rest of it doesn't fit together. >.<
Right now I only have Dranzer V2, which I couldn't throw out because it was the first one I ever got.
I tried watching one of the episodes from the original anime pretty recently, and I gotta say. It doesn't really hold up at all right now. It's just bad. :hilarious:
I don't know much about the current beyblade generation other than it has something to do with Samurais? And before that, it was Star signs. And the original was about mythical beasts.
When I was little, I watched all of them. Metal fury aka 4d was the best for me back then, and then I suddenly lost interest because I was way too old for them, and the series sucked after that. It was the first time I ever watched anime and thanks to that show, I now watch so much anime.
Anyone watch any of the series? there were quite a few! I've seen them all to date. Metal fusion was a bit disappointing though, it's wasn't like the old ones which were much better.
I grew up with beyblades, I got my stadium and everything
Yo, nostalgia overload. I was like in 2nd grade when I had Beyblades.

I really liked the animes, I never got to finish them though. I always thought the episodes were always sort of filler (of course I never thought filler, I just thought it was unnecessary).

I also got a bey called Poison Serpent. I was the bad guy, so I was like "USE VENOM STRIKE". Boy memories.

Nowadays me and my friends just play Smash and Kirby Air Ride. Although I sometimes play with some other friends.
Yo beyblade made me believe if I spun a bey I could summon distraction. I was wrong ;-;