Birthday Scenario Game

  • Thread starter D4rkDragon
  • Start date


Lemon Dragon
Towns Folk

I don't know if you know this game, there's a high chance of yes, but however, that's just to have fun !
How it works ?
-Basically, I'll post a picture below with characters and scenarios. Depending on your birthday, you'll be in a special situation !
(PS: You just need the day and the month, so, there's no risk of revealing your age if you don't want to).

Here we go! The first image:

Yep, we start with a Nintendo based BSG !
So, if you want to know about me, I'm trapped in the Absolutely Safe Capsule with Meta-Knight. Hope that I'll stay alive, then. :nailbiting:
Lol to the enclosed instruction booklet and thumbs up to the hilarious Mother 3 scenario (anyone better not be born on Oct. 31 :eek:). I'm going to a castle to rescue Fox McCloud :meh:. Neat nonetheless.
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Lol to the enclosed instruction booklet and thumbs up to the hilarious Mother 3 scenario (anyone better not be born on Oct. 31 :eek:). I'm going to a castle to rescue Fox McCloud :meh:. Neat nonetheless.

October 31 means an eternal nightmare. Better commit suicide instead of have this scenario. (Lucky I am, I escaped it!)
Switch bodies with Pit.

I'm not sure I like that.
Save the Galaxy from an Evil Diety with Kirby... Ohh, that seems fun!
Whoops. I read mine wrong. I owe an incredibly large sum of money to Fox McCloud. Sounds much better. I guess he'll try and kill me. XP
start a business with gary oak.
Go to a castle to rescue ROB.

I'm trapped in a capsule with captain olimar. I guess that's cool. I could probably talk to him until his pikmin bust us out.
  • #10
I'm getting married to Dodongo, so stop complaining! I should the one one that complains!
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  • #11
Travelling the galaxy with Luigi. \: D/