I have an obsession with Tesla >.<
Towns Folk
This is a class taught by Duolingo but will allow you to communicate with "classmates". The reason why I am doing this is that I love Duolingo, but sometimes things don't make much sense, and you have to wait for your question to be featured before you can get an answer, and when you get an answer, you are already have moved on with the next thing. That's why I want to make BlueJ's Japanese, a simple way to get free advice from users and free lessons from Duolingo. I will create assignments to push you to learn, like earn a certain amount of points this week or something like that. I also have a Google Classroom (just go to classroom.google.com and sign in with your personal account, and join a class)
Google Classroom Code: 9f4ifzj
Duolingo for Schools: https://www.duolingo.com/o/dcdqzv (dcdqzv)
I assigned for you to get 50 XP by next Monday to start off (50 XP is about 20 minutes of work)
Google Classroom Code: 9f4ifzj
Duolingo for Schools: https://www.duolingo.com/o/dcdqzv (dcdqzv)
I assigned for you to get 50 XP by next Monday to start off (50 XP is about 20 minutes of work)