brotherhood final fantasy XV

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PineappleDoggo <3
Towns Folk
so if you been keeping up with the final fantasy XV news you would know there is a five episode anime they made and it pretty good so basically if you are planning on buying the game and dvd it kind of sets the seen for you so you can learn the bond with the prince and his three friends. so what are your thoughts on brotherhood final fantasy XV
Personally, I didn't really like the art style that the animators went with but the story was okay, engaging at times but at others a let down (episode 5 I'm looking at you).

My favorites of the mini-series would be episodes 2-4 because we got to know more about the main cast of XV, and they were all unique in a way. After watching those I no longer worried about there being a bland cast of emo-teens. It was a fun ride. My main letdown was the action, I felt that they didn't even try with that. All there was, was the typical screaming that we see in most shounen anime nowadays. But then again the series' main focus was backstory and they did a pretty good job with that.

I'd give it about a 6 or 7/10. It does what is sets out to do but could've done better.
for me all it did was show me the character stories