Bubble Pop World

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Indie supporter
Towns Folk
This new eShop game from Cypronia is actually built around the use of Augmented Reality! Time to find and dust of your AR cards! The game is pretty good so far, based on what little I've played.

Lol I don't like it, I think it's too childish but some people may like it.
Been playing this for a few days, and it really is very good - I recommend it! :)
haha yeah i agree - i would get this game if i could ! it looks very good and i really am a big fan of the AR games so i really recommend getting this game as it is a ar one :p it really does look fun !
It looks alright, but I honestly don't like the concept of AR Cards much. I wish the game would just activate the camera and display the game in whatever image your cameras are producing. Having to aim your 3DS at the AR card feels gimmicky and isn't very fun (I'm also too lazy to move while gaming).
(I'm also too lazy to move while gaming).

You can use the circle pad to rotate. You don't need to get up and move to play. It's very user friendly!