Buying a New Game!

  • Thread starter Kiki
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Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
Hello guys!

I have enough money for a new game. I'm having a hard time choosing between Fire Emblem Awakening or one of the Zelda games. I have never played a Fire Emblem or Zelda game before.

I talked to a user who told me a bit about Fire Emblem Awakening and so far it all seems really good, I'm just still a bit worried about how difficult it is even on normal mode. I am a very casual gamer, I tend to play life sims (Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, Nintendogs) or very easy platformers (Starfy, Kirby) I found Super Mario 3D Land to be tough lol. This would be my first strategy type game. I am relieved that there's a mode I can set it to so my characters don't disappear forever if they die. I've read a bunch of reviews and it all sounds fabulous - except for me not knowing how difficult the normal mode is.

For Zelda: I've never played a Zelda game and Ocarina of Time and A Link Between Worlds seem to have different playing styles. Both styles look fun and I wouldn't mind picking up either but - which game is more welcoming to newcomers (ie: do I have to play past games to understand the story for either game?) also which game is easier, I prefer easy games, and lastly how long are both games?

Sorry for posting so much, and if this isn't the right section then a mod can move it! :)
i think you should go with a legend of zelda game becease, i really like the stories and its made pretty cool.
i have a link between worlds, but i didnt like it really much
and if you never played a legend of zelda game, you HAVE to play ocarina of time.
its just soo good!
but its your choice!
its just a tip. :]

oh yeay, fire emblem is also not bad, but its not my type of game.
i thing you should do a zelda game
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This can be a toughie: Picking between a Zelda game and another series of games. If you do like life sims, then ther is a 3DS game you should really look for called Fantasy Life. I don't have it yet, but it is a casual and fun game to play. It features collecting items, building and upgrading your previous ones, and embarking on quests.

Now, if you would like to try out a Zelda game, it is up to you. The legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is one of the best games ever created, period. It has won the Guiness World Record for being the one of the highest-rated games out there. However, Link Between Worlds is also no less in my opinion. I own it, and I have played Ocarina of Time, and it comes down to your personal preference. You don't need to play either to understand the story fully; they have each of their own different ones. A Link Between Worlds is a faster-paced RPG that has really nice visuals and music. however, it felt pretty short to me, as I was able to finish it in around 10 hours.
Ocarina of TIme is a 3D adventure, and it is much more detailed in terms of the storyline and the graphics are also stunning. Exploring the vaast world of hyrule is definitely rewarding, and the gameplay is pretty satisfying, even in the long run.
The combat system is much more complex, and it isn't just "Spam the sword button and arrow button" Later in the game, you have to dodge, block, and attack in different ways, and that adds a great amount of immersion. There are multiple traps and hidden secrets throughout the dungeon as well, which will help your adventure.

In Spring 2015, Nintendo is releasing a 3D remake of Legend of Zelda: majora's mask, which I surely will be picking up. It has a different storyline, and a creepier, grittier world, as well as a 3-Day system that adds pressure to the player.
In the end, it's up to you; Do you like Fantasy Life because of it's Life simulation? Or, do you like Ocarina of time for it's diverse story? Or a Link Between Worlds for a fast-paced action-adventure RPG?
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Zelda if you like open world stuff and being able to do things at your own pace and have fun
I think albw doesn't have a lot of replay value but oot does

Fea if you want a really long lasting game with immersive storyline and a bit of thinking to go into the game

I think zelda is better in terms of gaming but fea was given a lot of hype mainly because of its plot and immersive storyline and such
Also if you like feet than fea might not be for you because none of the characters in the game have feet lol
Well, in your case, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
You're a starter on the RPG genre, if I understood right. When I was younger, my dad had a Nintendo 64 with only one Game: "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask". It was my first Zelda, and one of the first RPG's that I played. As a child who was still learning English (I speak Portuguese), the Game was very difficult at first, but the challenge and the fun of it made me try harder and harder. It took me a lot of time to explore the possibilities of the game (and the Dictionary), but Majora made me love Zelda and RPG's in general.

Fire Emblem may seem BORING to you. As a starter, this kind of RPG was boring to me too.
FE is a very, very good game... but Zelda could be a better start to you, as it was to me...
If you want a Zelda game, I would recommend you Ocarina of Time instead of the other one. It requires way less back tracking and is easier for newcomers in the franchise. I played it when I was about 9 years old and it went pretty well, except for the water temple where I got stuck for a little while... Water temple ugh...

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If you want a Zelda game I would go for A Link Between Worlds. It is the only Zelda game for the 3ds which is not a remake:p. It looks nice and is similar to the first zelda game:D(in the sense that you can choose the dungeon you want to go if you have enough rupees:jawdrop:) I personally like the story and the gameplay:cat:
@Cheshire_Cat03 , I would really recommend LoZ: A Link Between Worlds. This was my first LoZ game and it is very new-to-LoZ-series friendly. You can try the demo for Fire Emblem: Awakening if you really want to try it firsthand. :thumbsup:
If you haven't gotten a game yet somehow, great. If you have, welp this is awkward.

Anyway, I would recommend The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds the most out of what you listed. It could get you into the Zelda franchise which would be a huge plus (I guess), plus it's a REALLY good game. Like really good. Best in the franchise good.

It's not overly hard but it's not exactly easy either; I never had trouble more than a few times while playing so I would consider it an intermediate challenge. It has a harder difficulty you can unlock later on by beating the game. Also, it's on sale on the eShop until 1/29/15 for $30.00. Great Price.

Fire Emblem Awakening is also fantastic, though there will likely be some sort of sale for it when Fire Emblem If comes out late this year/next year.

Ocarina of Time is a bit harder than A Link Between Worlds so I would recommend playing it after A Link Between Worlds. It's a fantastic game in it's own right though it may be a little hard for newcomers of the franchise.
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  • #10
I actually haven't bought a game yet! But at $30.00 I'm definitely going to pick up A Link to the Past. I'm also delighted that people are saying the game is easy! *o*

Thank you for alerting me about the sale! I had no idea. Now I only need a $35.00 card. Woohoo! :3
  • #11
I actually haven't bought a game yet! But at $30.00 I'm definitely going to pick up A Link to the Past. I'm also delighted that people are saying the game is easy! *o*

Thank you for alerting me about the sale! I had no idea. Now I only need a $35.00 card. Woohoo! :3

Glad I could help! Let me know how you like the game :0