Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Defiance.

  • Thread starter -_Roberto_-
  • Start date


Banned User
Call of Duty: MW3 Defiance is a game on the Nintendo DS. I believe it is also on the Wii. Call of Duty MW3 has a similar plot to those of the console versions of the game such as the Xbox 360, PS3, and the Wii. One difference is that the DS version starts in Alaska, as its console counterparts mainly start the game in New York. The game has not won any known awards. But it is still a good all the same. It is in first person like all COD games, it has multiplayer, and before Nintendo discontinued its Wi-Fi connections for the Nintendo DS and DSi, you could play online, and with friend codes. You can still play multi-card play with friends, though. The online problem is really the only real problem I have with the game. But I cannot blame Activision. It was Nintendo's doing that you cannot play online anymore. But other than that, the game has a really good taste to it. A good game to play when you're just sitting around bored, and you have a DS and the game. It's also a collector's item. Like GTA Chinatown Wars, it's one of those "rare" games that you'll be lucky to be able to find at your local GameStop.

Rating: 10/10.