Can anyone help with a good mega alakazam moveset

  • Thread starter MewDP
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Towns Folk
I want to use mega alakazam on my pokemon team the moveset I had in mind was
Energy Ball
Shadow Ball

Can anyone help me with this?
Alakazam @ Alakazite
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 32 HP / 252 SpA / 224 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psychic
- Focus Blast
- Shadow Ball
- Hidden Power Fire

Speed to out speed some pokemons and timid pairing with it, special attack to be a good sweeper and some hp to live through some attacks
Psychic STAB or Psyshock works too. Focus Blast for Chansey. Share all for Fairys and psychic and HP fire for Ferrothorn and the like.
Use at beggining to ensure Magic guard working to beat or switch out setup pokes like Ferrothorn or Chansey. HP fire and Focus Blast would take out Ferrothorn and Chansey respectively. Hope this helps! :D
Alakazam @ Alakazite
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest/Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Encore/Substitute
- Shadow Ball/Hidden Power Fire
- Psyshock/Psychic
- Focus Blast

With Alakazam, you'll want Magic Guard as it prevents you from taking entry hazard/sand damage before mega evolving, EVs are simple and obvious, you'll want to make sure Alakazam can as powerful and as fast as possible. Regarding the nature, Timid if you're using Zam on a Hyper Offensive team so it can outspeed Mega Lopunny, Mega Manetric, +1 DD Mega Altaria, etc, use Modest if you're running Balance with Thunder Wave support from Pokemon like Clefable, even with Modest you'll still be able to outspeed Pokemon like Scarf Ttar and +1 Mega Gyarados. For the moveset, Encore is one of Zam's best support moves as it can Encore Pokemon like Mega Altaria and Mega Zard into Dragon Dance and precede to 2HKO them, Substitute can be used to avoid Sucker Punches from Bisharp and status. Shadow Ball can be used to cripple Pokemon like Mega Metagross and the Lati twins, Psyshock can be used to hit Pokemon like Chansey for higher damage, while Psychic hits Landorus T, Gliscor and Rotom Wash harder, the choice is entirely team dependant. Lastly, we have Focus Blast to hit Steel types like Ferrothorn and Heatran and Dark types like Ttar and Bisharp, a move like Shadow Ball could be replaced with Hidden Power Fire only if your team struggles with Sp.D Sword Dance Scizor which can easily set on Mega Zam otherwise. I hope I've managed to help you :]
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