Ultimate Yu-Gi-Oh Nerd
Towns Folk
I have a bunch of competitive Pokemon that I am hanging on to just because I don't want to release them; so I decided to make a few PC's off them. Expect custom ordered Pokemon to take up to a week to be ready. I do a lot of schooling, etc. that makes me unable to use my 3DS half as often.
ABSOL - Lv. 31 - Max ATK + SPD - 5pc
JOLTEON - Lv. 43 - Max SPATK + SPD - 6pc
HAXORUS - Lv. 48 - Max ATK + SPD - 5pc
I will take requests; format is as follows:
-Pokemon - 2pc (no legendaries/events/one-time pokemon)
-Level (No more than 50, as 50 is the set level for online play) - 1pc per 10 levels
-Moves 1pc-4pc(1pc per eggmove/move tutor)
-Nature 6pc (I do not do nature breeding, but will do it if you wish)
-IVs 20pc (This is extremely hard, as I do not have a japanese shiny 6iv ditto)
-EVs 2pc (This is easy)
JOLTEON - Lv. 43 - Max SPATK + SPD - 6pc
HAXORUS - Lv. 48 - Max ATK + SPD - 5pc
I will take requests; format is as follows:
-Pokemon - 2pc (no legendaries/events/one-time pokemon)
-Level (No more than 50, as 50 is the set level for online play) - 1pc per 10 levels
-Moves 1pc-4pc(1pc per eggmove/move tutor)
-Nature 6pc (I do not do nature breeding, but will do it if you wish)
-IVs 20pc (This is extremely hard, as I do not have a japanese shiny 6iv ditto)
-EVs 2pc (This is easy)
Destiny Knot - 2pc
Rare Candy - 3pc
Hard Stone - 1pc
Sachet - 2pc
Black Belt - 2pc
Whipped Dream - 2pc
Water Stone - 1pc
Dusk Stone - 3pc
Heat Rock - 3pc
Macho Brace - 4pc
Power Herb - 5pc
Rare Candy - 3pc
Hard Stone - 1pc
Sachet - 2pc
Black Belt - 2pc
Whipped Dream - 2pc
Water Stone - 1pc
Dusk Stone - 3pc
Heat Rock - 3pc
Macho Brace - 4pc
Power Herb - 5pc