Coolest looking shiney pokemon?

  • Thread starter pipslug2002
  • Start date


The 8th Hokage
Towns Folk
In your opinion which shiny Pokemon do you think looks the coolest? You can base this on the color scheme how different the color is from the original ( An example of a shiny which is basically no different from its original is Garchomp:vomit:) Or just how awesome and eye catching it looks! For me personally, my favorite shiny has got to be Greninja, totally different from its original blue color and its black, black is just an awesome color on pokemon! Well that's my opinion, now let me hear yours!:rotfl:
I also really like Greninja shiny, black looks so cool on it!

But my favourite probably has to be shiny Mega Gengar, in white! The white colour on it makes it look unique, frighteningly intimidating and just generally awesome! There are loads of other good-looking shinies out there too, like shiny Trevenant, Gardevoir, Metagross, Rayquaza, Haxorus and more, but Mega Gengar outdoes them in my opinion.
i would say asides from a shiny Eevee , I would say that the next shiny Pokemon that I really like is a Shiny Shinx because they are just so golden ( Gold is one of my favorite colors ) and all other shinies that are in gold color . I also like the colors of Pokemon that are very unique like Shiny Vapoureon :D
Shiny Mega Gallade is SO awesome I just want it.
I like shiny metagross and shiny mega metagross as much as Gallade. ooh I am so jealous of steven he won't give me his metagross. The one I hate most is Shiny dragonite.
Shiny Mega Gallade is SO awesome I just want it.
I like shiny metagross and shiny mega metagross as much as Gallade. ooh I am so jealous of steven he won't give me his metagross. The one I hate most is Shiny dragonite.
Uh you can get Stevens Metagross if you go to Rustboro city and go to the desk. There is a pokeball and a note by the side of it. It is a beldum. I think some of the coolest looking shinies have to be Gen 5. I just love all of them.
Uh you can get Stevens Metagross if you go to Rustboro city and go to the desk. There is a pokeball and a note by the side of it. It is a beldum. I think some of the coolest looking shinies have to be Gen 5. I just love all of them.

You mean mosdeep and not rustburo iirc
I love Shiny Eevee, as it just lloks so cute in it's grey-white color scheme. It's simple, which is perfect for a Pokemon like Eevee. I also love Greninja. I think that it's shiny color was actually considered for it's main design, because it fits so well!
I like shiny doublade (cause it looks like it's been on a killing streak, and shint greninja because it looks like an actual ninj with it's different colour. Shiny Umbreon is really cool too as the colour works well and so does sylveon's.
Personally I love shiny umbreon, I mean it looks so cool. Replacing yellow with blue really gave it this feel. I also like shiny arcanine and shiny azurmarill because their GOLDDDD. And look pretty cool as well. On the other hand I don't like shinies such as shiny Flygon due to the colour scheme
  • #10
My favorites are Salamence, Greninja and Espeon. Salamence looks awesome with its light green colour, Greninja looks cool because it becomes black, and Espeon looks all green like a light. I guess I really like green stuff...