Country life vs city life

  • Thread starter Jack
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♪ I think I'll try defying gravity ♪
Towns Folk
If were able to live in the country or a big city, where would you choose to reside? This is not based on where you currently live, rather where you would like to live.

My family lives in a suburb of one of the largest cities in the U.S., so we usually go downtown one or two times a year. I'm truly in love with the city, there's just so much going on and there are tons of people and the huge buildings are amazing. Also, the architecture in each city is unique, and every city has its own culture. I'm just fascinated by everything about the city life. The countryside can be peaceful and the landscape may be beautiful, but I would get bored by the lack of people and activities. So, I would definitely prefer the city life over the country life.
I think I'd have to go with city as well. While the country life is very peaceful seeming, I'm not sure it's the type of life for me. Plus, there's waaaaaay too many bugs :p. I live in an area that's not as isolated as a typical country life type area would be, but also not filled with as many people or buildings as a city. It's set up in a way where I can appreciate both types of lifestyles, but it also has me reaaally longing for city life
Ideally, I would like to live in the countryside but so long as it is near a decent sized city, like Hannah Montana I too want the best of both worlds...
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I actually would prefer the city mainly because of convenience. City life can also be very exciting though it sometimes has more risks than a Country life such as pollution or crime, etc. The place where I live is pretty much a balance between the two in my opinion which is great but personally I'd love the city :D
I'd like to live in the city because there's much more happening and it's alive. It can be noisy at times, but who wants to live in the middle of nowhere? cities have much more facilities on offer and it's easy to get around too.
I'd like to live in the city because there's much more happening and it's alive. It can be noisy at times, but who wants to live in the middle of nowhere? cities have much more facilities on offer and it's easy to get around too.
Ohhhh do you ever see people doing parkour on the rooftops, like James Kingston??!
I like the country side, but because of my allergies and the fact that I like my internet speed above 2mbps, I'll say city.
I used to live in the city and now I live in the country.

To be honest I loved the city because everything was there but ever since I moved to the country I noticed how safe it feels out there. Not to mention the sudden rise in crime in the city.

So I'm glad I'm in the country (not to mention I love the long drive to the city!)
I spend the first 4 years of my life in the center of the capital, then I spent 5 years in the countryside, then back to the suburbs of the capital for 10 years, then back to the center for half a year and finally for the last year I have been in the countryside again. Let me tell you how each is. First off, the center of the capital, has everything, transport, shops, attractions and so on, but it's freaking loud and a HUGE pain just to get around with all the people and the everyday commotion Next up, the suburbs. Really convenient, everything is within your reach, you also have the transportation, fewer people and annoyances, more peace and quiet, cleaner air (less smog). All in all, the best you can choose, not too urban, not too rural. It's pretty evenly balanced between the two. Finally, the rural life is a bit harder in the sense of getting around, unless of course you own a car. Additionally, it's most inconvenient at times when, for example you ran out of something at home and you need to go to the store, because almost always, places are decently far apart (eg: where I grew up, it took 10-15minutes by car to get to the store, whereas in the city it takes me just 2minutes or even less to walk there). The positive part of living in the country is the clean air, the quiet and the tranquility. For full-time though, I would definitely go with the suburbs.
  • #10
I live in the country by a city. The particular place I live is pretty green, we have farms and things, but we also have a (small) city by my house with everything that the country lacks. The city however, is mediocre. There's a lot of crime, but it can be a nice place in some parts :)
  • #11
Meh I've had a few experiences looking through cities and getting impressions and my family tree is basically from both sides of the spectrum. The country is where it is known that people live honest lives by working in small businesses and neighborhoods and especially farming and Agriscience and other energy efficient things like windmills now reside. It is complicated if you may think about it because there's less light pollution and air pollution and there is more nature to be around and I agree it's not for everyone but it's the ideas of nature vs. urban industrialization that constantly exist and hence another reason why Star Wars was so popular because it focuses that main idea on Anakin because he has a cyborg hand he takes for granted.

The city imo is where people live honest lives but depend more on intellect rather than heavy lifting and driving tractors and other vehicles. Most business includes metro travel, retail stores (those are everywhere but they do exist in better quality in cities like Lego stores for example), and top of the line entertainment only bigger cities can afford. Of course you have your diplomats in specific areas of any country and several factions of power, etc. Media also flourishes in cities because they have more money invested in their business and people are inclined to watch television to stay informed or misinformed.

Driving is a lot worse in big cities, your job just depends on your level of education, and your level of education depends on your social status and wealth (or investment and knowledge) in order to live honest lives. Personally I find nothing wrong with either one but it depends on how much organization can I handle so I can live in an area where I can walk to work, ride something, or drive there but I'd just hate driving in the city and imagining I'm invincible unless I have money for parking and not get robbed or fall into the system.