create a mario powerup

  • Thread starter freezebot
  • Start date


PineappleDoggo <3
Towns Folk
so if you want to know what this is is a contest to see how can create a most amazing and creative Mario powerup the rules are...
you must pay 2 pc to enter
must be creative
need to be in drawing form and describe what it does
must be original and drawn on paper with a screenshot with the member name on it. the one that can make the best mario power wins 30 pc and it ends at november 15 so good luck and also if there are 2 that are really great and i cant decide on than the people that entered will decide which is better and pm me with your drawings and good luck

eric cartman
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Sign me up! I'll make something later!
I'll pay right now.
ok i add u and sorry for late reply
Hm, I'm not much of an artist(but I can draw 1 mean stick person[or a nice one if u prefer]) :p But I'll enter too. This sounds fun!
ok your up
Are we allowed to use photoshop or is it strictly drawing only?
strictly drawing and you can use computer for drawing
I'll join. :3
Does it have to explicitly be drawn on paper? Could it be done by digital means if allowable? (I'm talking actual art here, not some photoshop combination abomination.)
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  • #10
  • #11

Nondescript. Do you mean yes to allowing digital artwork being submitted?
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  • #12
yep you can do that as long as its not photoshop
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  • #13
I would like to give this a shot. Sign me up please!
  • #14
Sign me up please :D I already payed.
  • #15
ok yopur both up and i be on at 10:00 to 11:00 at 3ds pedia clock if anyone has a question
  • #16
also im gunna earn some pc so i can hand out second and third place prizes
  • #17
time to enter is running out
  • #18
Do we post our art to this forum or directly to you? I'm willing to post tomorrow. :3
  • #19
any way works but if your sensitive about your art post it to me
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Reactions: Eric Cartman
  • #20
remember this ends the 15th
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Reactions: Eric Cartman