Creepypasta Anime?

  • Thread starter Jeff The Killer
  • Start date
Jeff The Killer

Jeff The Killer

Go. To. Sleep!
Towns Folk

Doesn't Laughing Jack look cool (and kind of like Ryuk)?

Anyway this picture makes me wonder, wouldn't it be cool to have a Creepypasta anime? I know I would, it could probably start out with each Pastas story and lead up to them meeting each other and they could fight a probably the SCP or a Anti-Pasta group, or Zalgo?

I'd prefer it as an anime because cartoon style wouldn't fit it (unless it was done like Last Airbender), it would be one of dark animes like Death Note and too anime style looks nicer.

Just thinking of it makes me excited! So what do you guys think would it be cool for Creepypasta to have its own anime?