
  • Thread starter P2.0
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BlueJ was here.
Towns Folk
As the name implies,you Cross-Fuse with an anime character,lol. (Sorry for using that term,Mega man Axess.. D: ) Being your own anime character of your design is great,probably the best way to get one's creative juices flowing,but what if you could fuse with an anime character? If you've thought about it,which anime character would you fuse with? :p
i would fuse with goku
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@dominiquet :Who wouldn't!? :D He's at the top of my list!
P2.0 who else would you want to fuse with
Well,if I had to choose...:Luffy,Kirito,Ace,to name a few. :p
Lelouch from code geass. He doesn't have fighting skill or stuff but he is probably the most tactical and smart anime character I have seen so.
Other than that goku! Super saiyan 4!!!!
@Nightsrain622 : Ahh,you'd be a tactician, huh? A fighter's great,but only if you have a plan.I like your choice of character! :)
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