Request Custom Art requests

  • Thread starter The_3DS_MLG_Froakie
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The Froakie of all Froakies
Towns Folk
MLG Froakie Customized.jpg So yeah, this is my second forum post and MLG Froakie Customized.jpg
this is for art/picture requests depending on the subject, eg. Anime, Signatures or Profile pictures.
To let you know, this most probably will be my first ever time doing this so wish me luck if this happens! :headphone:
I don't mind what time I get requests and I will normally display them at the bottom of this post here, so make sure to check daily!
If your picture does not come out perfect, or not as good as you thought it would be; I am sorry, but overall, I would of had fun making it! Enjoy!!! :D
Current Requests up to 18th November 2014,
You should give examples of what you can do to help you =)
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