Debug Mode Review Suggestions

  • Thread starter Duster
  • Start date


Cheese Lover
Towns Folk
Hey guys.i'm making a new blog series soon called "Debug Mode Reviews" and so far i only have the beginning/ introduction idea and the second blog idea which is why i'm making this thread. i'm also going to allow people to ask me to hire them. Here is my jobs that you can ask me to hire you for.
Jobs That You Can Get Hired For
Thumbnails: No one yet
Image of what i'm blogging: No one yet
Editor: No one yet
If you want to be anything above pm me or tag me or quote this post (Sometimes i don't get replies so plz do one of the following that i listed)and i will see how good at that job that you want to be.
Note: I know a lot of people will do this just because of them getting paid pc so i know this will not want a lot of people to do this but you will NOT get paid pc.I don't post threads a lot and i usally don't post long posts (Like i'm going right now) so that's why you will not get paid.but if i think you did a really good jobi will pay you some pc if i have any.the most i would give you for doing a awesome job would be 5 pc.
But to get that 5 pc you would have to a AMAZING and i mean AMAZING job.

Bye Guys!