difference between forum and blog?

  • Thread starter Lotad Lover
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Lotad Lover

Lotad Lover

Lover of the mighty Lotad god.
Towns Folk
I am (relatively) New here and I don't really understand the difference between a forum and a blog. Pls help.
I am (relatively) New here and I don't really understand the difference between a forum and a blog. Pls help.

Forum: Place where you make threads, and where you speak with people about various subjects.
Blog: Place where you post articles about differents subjects.
That's all.
The blog is basically a journal and I think you don't earn Play Coins there. The forum is where you and everyon else can talk and share idea and earn Play coins
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Blog: Stories, Life, stuff like that :p
Forums: Ask questions, talk about stuff, make new friends :playful:
In blog just one person or a group post things and people give feedback, opinions... in forum everybody post everything and everybody answer about everything, is more dynamic and interest!
I am also new. I know how you feel about having no idea what the heck anything is. By the way what the heck is a thread?
Well, I never heard this word (thread) before because english isn't my first lenguage and I was trying to understand by the context, I think it is what everyone post here, the topics, but maybe I'm wrong! haha
Forum- many people post to one place
Blog-one person posts to one place