
  • Thread starter Rsngamer
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I have no idea
Towns Folk
I noticed that some early 3ds and wii u games like kid icarus uprising and pikmin 3 dissapeared from stores, I looked everywhere I knew and I couldn't find these games anywhere, any of you have any idea why? other than them being kind of old, like just 3 years isnt that long, there should be another reason right?
Those games actually sold more digitally (via eshop) rather than physical copies. I have a physical copy for my Kid Icarus Uprising which is nice :p. Perhaps with the last few months of Club Nintendo fans decided to not hesitate to spend coins for the KI: U download code, but I don't know about Pikmin 3, it might not have been as popular among most fans >.>
I wanna say it's because they are no longer popular. I know that older games like Twilight Princess for GameCube and the original Animal Crossing is still being sold in stories.

It could also depend on the store you're going to the GameStop near my house only sells games for Wii U, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and the 3DS. While the one in the city sells all games for all consoles (including N64, Gameboy/Color/Advance)
Those games actually sold more digitally (via eshop) rather than physical copies. I have a physical copy for my Kid Icarus Uprising which is nice :p. Perhaps with the last few months of Club Nintendo fans decided to not hesitate to spend coins for the KI: U download code, but I don't know about Pikmin 3, it might not have been as popular among most fans >.>

Would love to know where you got this information, Kid Icarus Uprising came out before Nintendo even started releasing games digitally on the 3DS eShop. It's on the eShop now but there's simply no way the digital version has sold more than the physical version.

As for why you never see them in stores, it's because Nintendo didn't produce enough of them. Kid Icarus is a niche title and Pikmin 3 came out at a time when Wii U didn't really have any other big games - low expectations, low production.
Like Amiibos and like what Nanamine said it's all about how much of a budget the developer's company or team has in order to distribute games overseas. Because of this dramatic difference in culture most of the time production of certain games (sometimes really good) is fairly low hence leading to a higher demand and price in the aftermarket which is a little rough but that's how things work out sometimes.
The physical copy of Pikmin 3 is rare by now. You could only find the game by browsing through eBay or stuff, with price over than $100.

Here, the physical copy of Ocarina of Time (3DS) is also rare (maybe due to no more production), with something like $50 for sale.
Honestly, I don't get why the prices for physical copies of these games are going up. Sure, I know people who like having the physical version, but I honestly could care less whether it's physical or digital. Surely I'm not the only one that could care less. Honestly, with the digital version so widely available, the prices going up by any more than $10 baffles me. A small increase is understandable, but Pikmin 3 for $100 is unbelievable.
yeah, thats the reason I asked, most of these games were incredible and they did well, I get digital is cheaper, I hate it when stuff gets super expensive like that, actually where I live ANY 3ds game is at least $100, so I wait for a chance when I go to Boston or NY to get games for a reasonable price
You can't particularly say that they are disappearing much since I got Kid Icarus: Uprising really late, but it can all depend on where you get it. But I agree that I don't really see those games much or not much have it
  • #10
like in most retail stores, they're pretty hard to find, yeah in some places you can still find them, though some are getting expensive