Do you like Tattoo and Piercing?

  • Thread starter sbellast
  • Start date


Pokemon Trainer
Towns Folk
Do you like Tattoo and Piercing? Are you going get one? What kind of Tattoo and Piercing do you have?
I only have the standard one hole per ear piercing, although I've always wanted to get my tragus done for some reason. I don't have any tattoos, either. I think that some look good on other people but I'd never want something on my body that I can't erase like makeup.
I hate people with tatoos, its so iretating, I would never ever have a tatoo done.
I have had my eyes pierced and that's it. I don't like any other ones and tattoos put me off. xD
Never wanted or felt the need to get a tattoo or piercing, but I don't care if others get one. My dad has three or four tattoos, two of which I was present for. As long as it's not overboard I don't care.
I don't mine people who get these things done to themselves. It's a lifestyle choice, and I'm not one to judge. That said, I have no immediate plans for the future to get either a body piercing, or a tattoo. I don't fancy the idea of having a permanent hole in my body for some piece of metal.
I think Tattoos are pretty cool when they symbolize something, I think it looks bad when people are completely covered in them though o_O I'm talking about when they literally have more tattoos than just bare skin lol
I like both, my dad has a tatoo with my sister's name and my name. I have my left ear pieced. I plan on getting my arm tattooed with my zodiac sign.

Tattoos don't bother me, honestly I like all of the different styles and designs.
Nope. I never plan to either.
  • #10
Nope. And I would never get one done. No offense. xD
  • #11
I'm not a fan of tattoos at all, though I don't dislike people who do have them. They just are not for me and I do not find them attractive.

I'm not a huge fan of body piercings other than the ears either, but again I don't judge people for having them.
  • #12
I don't have any, but I think I may get one. We'll see :p
  • #13
Not me! I will/would never get a tattoo either. Health issues, pain it could cause and in my religion tattoos aren't allowed.
  • #14
None yet. Hoping to get one soon.
  • #15
I would never get a tattoo I hate them but my moms bro (my uncle) has got one on his arm, when my mom saw his tattoo she flipped
  • #16
Not me. Something that can't come off of your skin? Not my cup of tea, :panda:
  • #17
I don't think if i would have one but i might have one,not so big at all and even put a word saying i love you God.
  • #18
Absolutely not.

Well, for the obvious reason being I'm 13. But like Marc the thought of having something that can't come off (unless you pay an extreme amount) doesn't sound very appealing, even if it does look "cool".

I think I'll stick to wearing clothes that have a cool design.
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  • #19
  • #20
Nah, I honestly don't find tattoos to be all that cool. Maybe a little, "wow, he tattoed all over his arms/back," sometimes but I say that with ridicule instead of admiration. "Tattoo regret" seems to yield the most results on Google out of any query :p