Do you think nintendo will buy rare back?

  • Thread starter oshul
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should nintendo buy back Rare?

  • yes

    Votes: 6 50.0%
  • no

    Votes: 6 50.0%

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The main oshawott
Towns Folk
Since almost all the games rare have made under the control of Microsoft have been terrible I think it would be a good idea to buy rare back. We could get Conker's other bad fur day, banjo thriee and n64 ports to the wiiu. But what do you think? Do you think that Microsoft should keep rare or should Nintendo buy them back?
I have mixed feelings over it.

On one hand, getting these IPs back would be awesome, they really made the N64 shine even brighter.

On the other hand, most of the key personnel at Rare have left to form Playtonic Games, so we wouldn't be able to expect much from Rare.

Unless, of course, Nintendo also acquires Playtonic Games and merges Rare with them. I, for one, would like this a lot, as Rare made some revolutionary games when they were with Nintendo.
I have mixed feelings over it.

On one hand, getting these IPs back would be awesome, they really made the N64 shine even brighter.

On the other hand, most of the key personnel at Rare have left to form Playtonic Games, so we wouldn't be able to expect much from Rare.

Unless, of course, Nintendo also acquires Playtonic Games and merges Rare with them. I, for one, would like this a lot, as Rare made some revolutionary games when they were with Nintendo.
it's surprising how rare were able to even get conkers bad fur day on the 64 it was packed with so much content WITHOUT the upgrade thing what yo needed to play Majora's mask with! It was amazing. look at conker live and reloaded the graphics look like something from the Xbox one or ps4! Personally it was Microsoft's fault on how most of the game designers left. Making them use their amazing minds on Kinect games!
it's surprising how rare were able to even get conkers bad fur day on the 64 it was packed with so much content WITHOUT the upgrade thing what yo needed to play Majora's mask with! It was amazing. look at conker live and reloaded the graphics look like something from the Xbox one or ps4! Personally it was Microsoft's fault on how most of the game designers left. Making them use their amazing minds on Kinect games!
Yep, Rare had a very impressive portfolio while working for Nintendo, some of the greatest games ever and the pioneering of new technology is all thanks to them. They made some of the best visuals for the SNES, and they worked around the N64's limited memory by sheer voodoo.

They took a severe hit once Microsoft bought them :/
I wish, but i don't think they do it ;_;
No, because the core people who made rare a good company are now Playtonic Games. Playtonic Games wants to remain independent for the most part, which their substantial Yooka-Laylee kickstarter fund has made possible.
I get it that Rare is a good company and that they made good games, but the notable games that Rare made were the Donkey Kong Country series and the 64 games (Banjo Kazooie, DK 64, etc.) and honestly the 3D games are probably the harder ones to make gameplay mechanics for as the 2D those can be copied/improved upon and Rare's original characters can be replaced but have a similar art style so no need for Nintendo to buy them any time soon.
In a dream I would love to see another Banjo & Kazooie game. But if Rareware isn't doing too good by itself, that isn't encouraging for Nintendo to come and rescue them. (And the whole thing about the real guys of Rareware becoming Playtonic.)

Yeah. If Rareware isn't doing well, I don't see the advantage at a business standpoint why Nintendo would spend money to get their services. This would be very likely be a loss.
I think that Nintendo should buy rare back because Microsoft... well, let's just say they are not experienced at making games ;). I actually don't know if Nintendo will be able to buy Rare back, but if they could, then that would be great :)
  • #10
No point, they should just get Playtonic Games as they have the employees, as was mentioned above, and try and fund more projects similar to Yooka-Laylee. I don't see much point in paying Microsoft a ton of money to get Rare back for what will mainly be an investment for old games which they don't really need, meanwhile Playtonic have a 'new' vision and can provide brand new games.
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  • #11
Since almost all the games rare have made under the control of Microsoft have been terrible I think it would be a good idea to buy rare back. We could get Conker's other bad fur day, banjo thriee and n64 ports to the wiiu. But what do you think? Do you think that Microsoft should keep rare or should Nintendo buy them back?
There is already a rare game in the 3ds eshop, and thats Donkey kong crountry
  • #12
There is already a rare game in the 3ds eshop, and thats Donkey kong crountry
That's because Nintendo owns Donkey Kong, Rare has little to no say on it.
  • #13
That's because Nintendo owns Donkey Kong, Rare has little to no say on it.
  • #14
While I would love to see Rare be bought by Nintendo, I do not see this as being a possibility, both in a business sense and a financial sense. What I mean by this is that, first off, Microsoft is likely never going to offer Nintendo the opportunity, and, second, there is not much money to be made off of Rare, so there wouldn't be much incentive for Nintendo to buy the company.