Do you use a pokémon guide?

  • Thread starter sbellast
  • Start date


Pokemon Trainer
Towns Folk
I use a pokémon guide. I borrow it off of my friend. I also look up pokémon stuff online too. Do you use a pokémon guide?
Nope, I have never used one previously, either. Are they any good? =3
I have not ever used one. Just unofficial ones on GameFAQs, and only when I get stuck on something.
No I don't want anything spoiled for me and like to figure out things on my own, but I will youtube where can I find items that I need but wasn't really looking for when I did my first play through
I don't use any guides. I go through the game on my own and if for whatever reason I can't find something, I just go online to search for it.
I did, they had some nice art in them and some good tips and secrets. It help me get through the game so I could get to the good part of battling friends.
I've never used a guide for this or any other game. I just go online or ask somebody for help if I'm stuck somewhere in a game.
I looked at Marriland's when I did B/W 2. I've used a couple for victory road, ect and things like that in the past.
I used to use guides but I don't any longer, I want to find things out on my own.
  • #10
I always use guides because I always get them a couple months after the games release but I don't have the game then. I read it a lot but when I get the game, I only use the walkthrough when I get stuck.
  • #11
I don't use Pokemon Guides. I like to figure things out on my own, and have fun. Pokemon Guides are pretty helpful, but I don't use them. I don't want to find answers with a guide. I usually like to solve things on my own (and get mad).
  • #12
I have some from previous generations but for Gen 5-6 I haven't been using one. There's no need for them now that I can look up stuff like battle item/ TM locations/ movesets/ abilities/ items on the internet. In general Pokémon is too easy for a guide unless you want specifics.
  • #13
I don't use Pokemon guide but I don't know what you mean
  • #14
Nope pokemon is too easy to use a walkthrough unless you want to use it to find all the pokemon in the game but it would take the fun out of it
  • #15
I have never used a Pokemon guide only because pokemon games aren't that difficult for you to read a guide to play it, i like to enjoy the game just the way it is but whenever i got stuck at some point and can't not find a way out i usually look up the internet.
  • #16
I have a few pokemon guides, but I never use them. I just get them when I see them in stores for, like, two dollars or something. :)
  • #17
When I'm having difficulty in a game, I'd do a quick Google search to find the solution. Other than that, nope. I don't purchase guides cause I consider that a waste of money, even if they're dirt cheap like @Neofang64 mentioned :p
  • #18
It was when I was playing Pokemon Emerald and I couldn't find that place with Rayquaza, so I had to Google the solution. Other than that no I never use Guides/Internet for my games. I like the challenge.
  • #19
i don't use guides i just go to to look up any new mechanics or to find items
  • #20
I've rarely use guides for a game unless I reach the point where I'm convinced that there's no other option (so when I'm stuck somewhere or something like that). Maybe the only time I remember looking up a Pokemon walkthrough was for to find the path out of the Sinnoh Victory Road. I also believe I used a guide to help me find the submarine in Sapphire since I had spent hours diving without any luck (man, was that annoying but also super rewarding when you finally found it).