Do You Usually Sell 3DS Games?

  • Thread starter Adam3044
  • Start date


I'm Not A Pikachu
Towns Folk
Do you usually sell retail 3DS games? I never have and don't think I ever will, as i'm a hoarder when it comes to games, even the crappiest ones. :wacky:
I've only sold one 3DS game in my life. It was Super Mario 3D Land. I have no idea why I've done it but I did and I regret it because I have nothing to play on the 3DS these days.
While I have sold MANY games, when it comes to 3DS ones, I only sold Luigi's Mansion 2. Well, to be more precise, I didn't actually sell it, it's just that this store we have here allows you to exchange used games (published in 2000 and on) with a discount to get anything from that store, be it another game, a book, computer accessories and so on. I gave LM2 for a 35€ discount, which is pretty good, and I got Mario Kart 7 for just 10€ thanks to it! Now I may do the same with my Pokemon Y, Rayman & Rabbids Family Pack and Mario Kart 7 (I have gotten really bored of it!) to get Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate for free and with a spare 3€, so I could get something small I may want.
I usually keep them, just in case I ever want to replay them once again. I did sell one of my games, to get Pokemon X, and the game was A Link Between Worlds. One playthrough, and didn't even attempt hero mode. xD

I like to keep a collection as well. And Switch between the games as I please. :p
If the game fails to catch my attention, I sell it. Unbelievably, I sold 3d land, paper mario sticker star, new super mario bros 2, and luigis mansion. I got 40 dollars out of those games, which was not much but at least I can get rid of them since they were collecting dust. I have nothing to play on my 3ds these days.
I want to sell 3D Land Currently(Retail) but lost it xD
I'd mostly rather keep my games :3
Perhaps maybe one of the reasons is because usually if I'd get a game it would be digital so I only have a few retail cartridges. One time I almost decided to sell one of them since I haven't been playing it for awhile but I decided not to. Surprisingly, I still play a lot of my old games from time to time.
There was a time i was young, and didn't appreciate the animal crossing series for what it was... I sold my copy of new leaf to get Pokemon Y. Then I went back and bought new leaf on the eshop a year later realizing what a mistake i had made.So yes, Ive sold a 3ds game, but I ended up with another copy anyway.
I'm the kind of guy who keeps games around and picks them back up again in a year or two to give it another go.
I'd hand out old games to friends, but I've never actually sold one of my 3DS games. Even if I wasn't exactly satisfied with the game itself.
I've definitely considered it a few times though. The covers and cartridges are in great condition, so I'd be able to get an okay amount for them.
  • #10
i would not be able to sell my 3ds or any nintendo related contents, too sentimental
  • #11
I leik box art too much to sell my 3ds games, especially Etrian Odyssey box art... so clutch.
(\/ ö_ö)\/
  • #12
I want to sell 3D Land Currently(Retail) but lost it xD
I think the boxes make it more special but personally whenever I sell games I only sell it by itself(usually whenever it's my cousin's or any other family member)
  • #13
Yeah. I sold my ps3 games to save up for a 3ds >.< I kinda regret it but eh :p
  • #14
When I first got my 3DS I used to sell the games that I had finished and had no other use so I could buy other ones. If I felt that I'd play the game in the future I'd keep it for sure. Now that I've bought a bigger SD card to fit all my updates and stuff, I don't actually buy that much physical copies anymore. Since I buy mostly digital, I can't exactly sell them -w-/
  • #15
I sell when I've played them way too many times
  • #16
I've only sold exactly one game for the 3DS. That was Lego: The Movie: The Game.
  • #17
I've... tried. selling old games, but then the gamestores would only take them for like 2 dollars and it just wasn't worth it.
Granted this was also unpopular DS game stuff... euh, I'd probably only sell a game if I was going to get a digital version of it instead, so that I could make my money back from having to purchase the game again. Otherwise, I'd rather just give games that I don't play anymore to friends or something /o/
  • #18
I haven't owned too many 3DS games, but I've sold two of mine: Luigi's Mansion and Paper Mario Sticker Star. I had played the originals in both series and the 3DS versions felt incredibly lacking. I got bored with them both after just a few days... I got quite a bit of money for them at the time and was able to use that to completely cover my preorder of New Leaf. Felt sooo good to walk into GameStop on NL's release day and walk out with it for free. I must have sold something else at the time to cover it. Probably one of my PS3 games that I hadn't touched in a long time.

I used to sell games often when I was younger and now I regret a lot of those trade-ins. Games I can't find at all or buy for a reasonable price anymore (like my beloved Monster Rancher 4) :( So I'm trying to hold on to games more now. I'd rather not regret getting rid of something a year or two after the fact.
  • #19
I didn't sell any 3DS game I have as of now.I live in a country outside of Europe,and since my dad usualy sends me a game of my choice when it's Easter,my birthday or Christmas,all of my 3DS games are european,which would mean that they would not work on someone else's 3DS if they have American ones.I also don't feel like actually selling them,since I prefer to have them in boxes for a nice collection in my room,and sometimes return to one of them;as at least most of them do have some fond personal memories.It would not so easy to sell them if I was forced to,to be honest. :p