Donkey Kong Country Returns

  • Thread starter Mikaya
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Towns Folk
I've played this. Got quite far, but wow, this is no easy game to progress through. It's quite challenging, I must say. It's like the one for the SNES, but way better. love the graphics and interacting with the environments. You can even ride the Rhino again (forgot it's name) xD
I only played the original DK Country games. I may give DK Freeze a go though since my brother are getting it for the Wii U
I have this for the 3DS and it's really great. It's just like the original game.
Might try it as I've only played the SNES version which was a little stale for me.
I was very impressed by this game. It felt exactly like the traditional Donkey Kong with better graphics. They managed to put in some rather unique visuals and special quirks that kept me interested. It felt like Donkey Kong had a touch of Rayman for that extra spice.
Seeing as all the praise you guys are giving it, I will probably actually try it out.
I like it so far, more so than New Super Mario Bros 2. I picked up for my Club Nintendo Platinum Reward, and so far, it's been a lot of fun. The graphics look sharp, which is something you'd expect from a game that was originally on the Wii. I like the variety of moves and the varied environements. I haven't finished it yet (not even close) but I like what I'm seeing so far.
I loved it, pretty good game. It's very frustrating at times with the barrel and cart sequences but there are tons of really fun levels. The graphics are superb, absolutely top-notch, tons to do with extra levels not found on the Wii version, unlocked once you've beat the main story. The boss battles are more varied than the recent 2D Mario games, loads of interesting enemies to fight. One of the best 3DS games, hands down.
It looks like a pretty fun game to play. I have seen gameplay and it looks like a tough challenge. But I think that the game is still beatable. Donkey Kong Country Returns has a lot of detail included in each level. I have tested the 3d on this game and it looks amazing. I reccomend that anybody who is a fan of the donkey kong games should get this game. It is the game that is just for them.
  • #10
Beat the main game recently, currently shooting for 200% but 4-K (ridiculously hard on Mirror Mode fyi) wrecked me the other day so I'm not sure if that's even going to happen now.
  • #11
It has a lot of content, a solid difficulty curve, plenty of extras and concept art (if you are able to unlock it) and the music is classic. It's not necessarily a true successor imo to the past DKC games but it's pretty close. My main problem is the controls for a portion of the time since you'd be needing to run fast to get away from enemies or an entire stage hazard.