Editing pixels

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Your waifu sucks!
Towns Folk
Is there any program/technique/site that allows you to edit a pixelized image like a pokémon 4th gen sprite?

What ? Any image editor ? Even Paint works for that purpose I guess.
yeah but paint sucks...
True story.
I personally use Paint.NET (it's far from Paint, don't worry). I also hear a lot of good from people using Gimp, but everytime I tried it I got lost in the interface lol.
do you know if paint.NET has some sort of grid? i wanted to modify a few sprites but since they're pixel like, i need a grid to know the exat size of the pixels
Yes, there's a button to activate a grid. You can also hide to see what your sprite looks like without extra lines.
And notice that the grid only appears when you zoom, so it won't bother you if you zoom out when editing larger sprites ;)
See images below.
The button that activates the grid is the one that looks like a grid under the word "Calques".
1st: what is that Absol? o_O
2nd: master ball as start menu :thumbsup:
3rd: when working with a render, is there any way to remove the squares in the background?
Lol yes, that's an absol mixed with a walrus. It's because I also visit other forums one of them has a walrus as a mascot, and people here make a lot of remixes of that walrus. And since I have Absol as my mascot, I made an Absol-based remix of that walrus :p

And yeah lol, Master Ball as start menu. The joys of ClassicShell :D

Yes, don't worry, those ugly squares will disappear. It's just the conventionnal way used by all image editors to indicate transparency. When you see this checkerboard, it actually means that there's nothing here.
Yes, don't worry, those ugly squares will disappear. It's just the conventionnal way used by all image editors to indicate transparency. When you see this checkerboard, it actually means that there's nothing here.
I know that but there's anyway to remove them when editing? Because when using the grid, sometimes it blends with those squares and i cant find them
  • #10
Ah, sorry, I didn't get that you wanted to remove them while editing. Yeah, that's possible. Just add a layer in the background and color it the way you want. Or maybe there's even an official option for that :p
If you want to know how, just look at that video I just made (you'll have to edit the extension to remove the ".txt" because I can't upload .mp4 files on that forum it seems).


  • ScreenCapture_2015-9-4 22.15.14.MP4.txt
    1.7 MB · Views: 2
  • #11
Tnx a lot! :hug:
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