Either Super smash bros or Bravely Default? (2ds)

  • Thread starter BlazingSpitfyre
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New Kid on the Block
Towns Folk
I am going either way. Which is a better game?
I'd go with smash, since it has tons of replayability.
Do you play online and like competitive play? Id say Smash. Do you prefer to play offline? I'd say Bravely Default.
Bravely Default is for fans of real time battle, and Smash is a very fun game that has a huge fanbase, and your friends can pick up on it too.
super smash bros is really fun I got over 50 hours on it during the first month(thought most of those just involved leaving my 3ds on overnight to complete the challenges hehe). Ssb has a lot of replay ability and online multiplayer so yeah it will last you a long while. Also a lot of stuff on 3ds pedia are smash bros contests. like the Smashuary thing going on right now
I don't own bravely default but a lot of people say it's good but the last few chapters are boring and stuff. If you like a story game and want to just play single player then go with bravely default. if you want online multiplayer then go with smash. most of the stuff I do in smash right now is just online multiplayer because I finished up all the challenges and single player got boring
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Smash anyday it is better to me and you get to play with your favourite Nintendo characters plus you can play online battles with your friends and have lots of fun plus you can even play on here if you want.
I think that you should get super smash bros. There is dlc that you can get for it. Dlc such as fighters, stages, and more. Smash bros will keep you playing it for hours and hours. The characters are well made with different attacks from each other. The online is fun but you can get banned from online. You will not get permanently banned from online though. You can play local play and online too.
I would go with Super Smash Bros. I think it would give you more gameplay, and last longer. It also has good graphics, good 3D effects, and frankly, it is more popular. You can try the demo to give it a try, but I think you would enjoy it either way....
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