Epicfy something!

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Aspiring Pokemon Master
Towns Folk
Try to make something normally really boring that a member posts into an epic tale!

epicfy this: Making toast.
You turn on the heat and a bursting flame emerges that almost burns you! You skillfully dodge and slam a pan on the flames, making the fire shrink and not be able to escape past the pan! You look for the bread, but when you open the cabinet jelly falls out, you see this and barely catch it putting it on the counter. You put the hard earned bread on the pan, and open the jelly, but a pesky fly tries to land in your toast! You grab the fly swatter and swing, nailing it square, right in time as your toast becomes crispy and you put the jelly on it and eat it.

Epicfy this: Taking the trash out.
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Taking Out The Trash: A Rock Opera

Once upon a time, paceygym was taking out the trash by himself. Deep-frying a potato with fifty elves. And across the road stood all that was between him and the lovely potato fields of Idaho with the blue-y skies: the monstrous hair of that scary chick from The Grudge.

The hair crept closer and closer to the potato fields every day, and the mountains crept farther and farther away, and pacey knew that nature had turned against them. The mountains were helping the Grudge's hair. Or was it Donald Trump's? I forget the details.

Pacey knew that the potatoes would rot the moment The Grudge/Donald Trump's hair touched them, so he took a flamethrower and burned it all oh my gawd you know what, writing is a torture sometimes and I'm tired and I don't even care anymore, just imagine your own happy ending to this story. I'm off.

Epicfy this: Deep-frying a potato.
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You put a fabulous Idaho-Potato in your Fryer. The frier is deep, so it's perfect for making a deep fried potato. You turn the heat on normal and sit around, but then, a butterfly appears. You gasp and watch it fly, and it lands on the heat, pushing it to explode!

The fryer explodes, ending you flying into the past, where a dinasour appears. The explosion sent you at the speed of light, so you went back in time. You dodge the dinasours claw and see the second potato ever, but then, a tradegy occurs and a dinasour steps on it! :eek:

But then, the potato glows scarring the dino, and a ray of light appears turning the dino into a potato! The potato did so with all the other dinos in the world! The potato said he had reached his limit and it was time for him to go to Potato heaven. He disappears in light, and you warp back to your kitchen, with a perfected potato in your eyesight.

So that's how dinosaurs became extinct :p

Epicfy This: Waiting for your Doctor to come.
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Your sitting in the waiting room, the soft rhythmic tic tic tic of a unseen clock falls into beat with the endless click click click of the keyboard being used by the clerk. You have grown tired of reading the expired National Geographic magazine and the What Not Wear 1998 magazine.

You glance at the aquarium one last time and notice that the fish appear frozen in the water or possibly dead. You long to stand and run like made out of the building and get home to do what you don't know but you know it's better than this.

Suddenly the room feels chilly and wind that seems to appear out of thin air begins to whip your face and hair as the sound of something materializing in front of you is heard! The soft whirr whirr whirr grows louder and louder as you can make out the shape of a...phone booth?

A blue Police Phone Booth appears in the room, you stand and approach it not believing what you just saw you touch it, the smooth wood against your palm caused you to pull away. "Beauty ain't she? I call her the T.A.R.D.I.S" a man from behind says making you spin around "Who are you!?" You say confused as to how this man suddenly appeared "Me? I'm the Doctor."

After that you go on adventures through time and space with the Doctor!

Epicfy this: Math
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Your sitting in the waiting room, the soft rhythmic tic tic tic of a unseen clock falls into beat with the endless click click click of the keyboard being used by the clerk. You have grown tired of reading the expired National Geographic magazine and the What Not Wear 1998 magazine.

You glance at the aquarium one last time and notice that the fish appear frozen in the water or possibly dead. You long to stand and run like made out of the building and get home to do what you don't know but you know it's better than this.

Suddenly the room feels chilly and wind that seems to appear out of thin air begins to whip your face and hair as the sound of something materializing in front of you is heard! The soft whirr whirr whirr grows louder and louder as you can make out the shape of a...phone booth?

A blue Police Phone Booth appears in the room, you stand and approach it not believing what you just saw you touch it, the smooth wood against your palm caused you to pull away. "Beauty ain't she? I call her the T.A.R.D.I.S" a man from behind says making you spin around "Who are you!?" You say confused as to how this man suddenly appeared "Me? I'm the Doctor."

After that you go on adventures through time and space with the Doctor!

Epicfy this: Math
You go to your room. You look at the window, barely letting in any light at all. You close the blinds, then proceed to turn on your lamp. The brightness of the outside world tended to bother you a little bit. You looked down at your homework. Math, of course. It's only the worst subject to you. You take a slight look at your clock. 3:39. It's starting to storm, which bores you a lot. You don't like rain, either.

You look at your homework again. Nothing. Then, your clock 3:40. It seems like time is going in slow motion, but that can't happen, right? No. Sorry to burst your bubble. You look at your homework yet again, one math problem done, but you didn't do it. So who did? You. You didn't but at the same time you did. In your mind you knew that answer. You knew it like the back of your hand. You pushed away a hair that kept tickling your nostrils, which is a problem for you. You pick up your pencil and you sharpen it in the loudest way you possibly could before touching the same pencil to your paper.

You then forge a note to get you out of math, for you got sick from slowing down time. But, you don't feel like you should do this. You touch your pencil to the paper again, and do your math homework. First, one answer, then two. You feel astonishingly intelligent in that one moment. That one moment when you make the most wonderful plot twist ever to happen in your life, you then think, what if every time you completed a problem a prince saved a princess?

You daydream. You, the prince, obviously, and, well, the princess was just another princess..
But your daydream is disturbed by an alarm. You wake up, and look at the clock, 7 AM. Your math is due today, and you forgot to do it.

Did I do it right?
Epicfy this : The color green
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You go to your room. You look at the window, barely letting in any light at all. You close the blinds, then proceed to turn on your lamp. The brightness of the outside world tended to bother you a little bit. You looked down at your homework. Math, of course. It's only the worst subject to you. You take a slight look at your clock. 3:39. It's starting to storm, which bores you a lot. You don't like rain, either.

You look at your homework again. Nothing. Then, your clock 3:40. It seems like time is going in slow motion, but that can't happen, right? No. Sorry to burst your bubble. You look at your homework yet again, one math problem done, but you didn't do it. So who did? You. You didn't but at the same time you did. In your mind you knew that answer. You knew it like the back of your hand. You pushed away a hair that kept tickling your nostrils, which is a problem for you. You pick up your pencil and you sharpen it in the loudest way you possibly could before touching the same pencil to your paper.

You then forge a note to get you out of math, for you got sick from slowing down time. But, you don't feel like you should do this. You touch your pencil to the paper again, and do your math homework. First, one answer, then two. You feel astonishingly intelligent in that one moment. That one moment when you make the most wonderful plot twist ever to happen in your life, you then think, what if every time you completed a problem a prince saved a princess?

You daydream. You, the prince, obviously, and, well, the princess was just another princess..
But your daydream is disturbed by an alarm. You wake up, and look at the clock, 7 AM. Your math is due today, and you forgot to do it.

Did I do it right?
Epicfy this : The color green
You're painting a picture, one with a rainbow in the background, you sigh about the addition of green. It isn't full of life, it's plain, it's boring, there's nothing special. You dip your brush, but then it glows. A whirlwind occurs, sucking you in. You wake up in an alternated dimension. A potato greets you, saying he has taken you to see the lifefullness of green. He takes away green in the world, and shows you how it looks.

The grass is brown, it always looks like fall. A grasshopper hops by colorless. You see a normally beautiful garden, but it's all brown it doesn't look pretty at all. You sigh as the potato comes again. He alerts you of a monster's approach, you didn't here him right due to thinking so much about the loss of green, you don't realize an Ogre approaching. He yells " I'm gonna shrek you! " and jumps at you, but the potato uses the spell, shield, to block the attack. He soars up and launches a BeyBey, which he commands to attack the ogre, the bey rams into it, sending it soaring across the sky, you see the bey bey, a well designed Flame Libra. You see how different it is without green. The potato sends you back to the real world.

After the warp, you look and see your painting. You are so happy that you create a painting about what just happened, being much better with the exciting color, Green!

Epicfy This: Watching paint dry.
Have you ever heard the legend of the Wall Ghouls? Silly name I know but don't let their name fool you. They are the odd shapes that you see briefly on the walls.

When you look away only to do a double take and you are no longer to see them it's because they have escaped. But don't worry there is a way to trap the Ghouls. You must apply paint to the walls, any color will do. The paint will seal them in place and keep them from traveling.

If you watch the walls you will see one ghoul form and then another and another.

Epicfy this: mopping
A run to the garage sweating so hard I smell like a locker room at a foot ball stadium. I grab the mop with its mop head so shinny I think to myself this is gonna be EPIC so I dip that thing in some water and cleaner and start scrubbing the floor like Scooby doo eats Scooby snacks, than I Finnish an the floor is so clean you can eat off of it and the mop looks like the mud flaps on a mud racing car, so hit my brother in the face with it. And get grounded. BUT IT WAS SO EPIC IT WAS WORTH IT

Epicify this : carpet