Ever break the joystick on the N64 controller?

  • Thread starter Tuzo
  • Start date


Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
I had a blue N64 controller and playing Mario Party 1 really screwed it up, so much that you literally couldn't rotate it anymore
I busted it on so many controls. Spinning it around in games like Conker's Bad Fur Day (alien) and Super Mario 64 (Bowser) wore it down a lot. I think one of the Mario Party games had a minigame that would murder most control sticks as well :p
Haha, I think Mario Party was guilty for killing off many analog sticks on the N64! I have kept all my pads but two are absolutely destroyed!
Nope, I don't think I went as far as to break it. That's just extreme. xD
Haha, we frequently broke the tops of the control sticks. They would sometimes get stuck in a particular direction as well. A few years ago my Mum bought some Gamecube sticks which were a lot more durable and replaced all our controllers with those, and have never had a problem since.
Yeah, some of the Mario Party games destroyed my N64 controller.
I haven't really broken many controllers mostly because I don't have many controllers, as I use my handhelds a lot more and if I broke those that would just suck. The most I did was somehow managed to screw up the analog stick on my GameCube controller where when you pushed it forwards, the character would walk backwards.