Fabulous Merch Ideas!

  • Thread starter CheeseFlavouredCake
  • Start date


m e m e s
Towns Folk
What Merchandise would you like to see Nintendo produce in the future? It's a little silly, but I'd really love to own a Nintendo toothbrush, where it plays various pieces of music from famous Nintendo games, such as the Hyrule Field theme or the Pokemon centre theme. Just throwing this around, feel free to add your own ideas below! :)
So far, the rewards are already nice for the very first day in my opinion. But then it's missing out on the physical rewards so that's something. It'd be cool to have more exclusive stuff ( like TP Picross and Warioware ) and maybe some Smash DLC would be awesome too :D Maybe some older DS games might have a chance to be on the 3DS (and not Wii U kek)

a Nintendo toothbrush
The irony ;O;
So far, the rewards are already nice for the very first day in my opinion. But then it's missing out on the physical rewards so that's something. It'd be cool to have more exclusive stuff ( like TP Picross and Warioware ) and maybe some Smash DLC would be awesome too :D Maybe some older DS games might have a chance to be on the 3DS (and not Wii U kek)

The irony ;O;
Yeah. but it's so sad!!! It won't let me log in... :sorry:
Ahh, that toothbrush idea xD I didn't even know I wanted that until now. I'd say some physical rewards that are somewhat vague but still noticable would be nice, like a normal black backpack but with a small Nintendo icon on it or more little diorama statues would be very nice. See, I'm not really sure about any cool innovate things but those would do as a starting point :p.
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Reactions: CheeseFlavouredCake
I would love to see Nintendo produce adult-sized Mario Karts, as I love things such as this, even if it would likely be a tad bit expensive. Although, concerning Op's toothbrush request, I believe that I saw exactly what OP was talking about at my local Walmart...