Favorite 3ds directed feature on Club Nintendo

  • Thread starter mjihayviv
  • Start date


Nintendo 3DS Addict
Towns Folk
For the people who have Club Nintendo, You probably know that it is ending next month. My question is: what is your favorite 3ds oriented feature on Club Nintendo?

Personally, my favorite is tied between the Club Nintendo release of Flipnote Studio 3d, and all of the full game download rewards offered as part of the final reward line up.
It's easy to say the rewards so I,ll pick something else.

I really liked that it was linked to my NNID so that I didn't have to register all my games one by one when I got them digitally. I liked the ability to share my opinion on some games as well, with the surveys.
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I think that my favorite thing about it would probably be the Flipnote Studios software for the 3ds , even though it was pretty restricted in my opinion . It was really awesome with all the new features and such and I really liked making flipnotes in the Dsi Version so I'd say that this one would be my favorite ; something I really anticipated for :p