Favorite Nintendo Girl

  • Thread starter Scraggy32
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Scraggy FTW
Towns Folk
What is your favorite Female character from the Nintendo games? My favorite of course is Krystal from the Star Fox games and Samus from the Metroid games. What are your favorites, it could be from any Old-School Nintendo games to the New and recent games. I'm just asking cause I see lots of fan-art about this sort of stuff.
I'd have to say that for me it's Kumatora from Mother 3. I like her design, I like offensive spellcasters, and she has the kind of personality that I'm drawn to. It also helps that she's from one of my favorite games ever, for that matter.
I personally like Rosalina from the Super Mario Galaxy series. Her design is nice, and her role to protect Luma's and guide Mario in his quests make her that much cooler. xD

She's way better than Peach and Daisy in my opinion. :p
Lucina :rolleyes:
I'm gonna have to say Rosalina or Samus (Zero-suit only) for this one. Rosalina is a cosmic badarse/princess (I mean, seriously, Mario is missing out!) and Samus not only looks amazing in the Zero-suit, but totally wrecks in it too!
It's a tied ( I guess?) between Tetra and Skyward Sword's Zelda. I really liked how much of their spunk and personality was shown in their games. Usually Zelda is more refined , so you rarely get to see how she's like and can come across as rather boring. However in Windwaker and Skyward Sword her personality really shines and makes me care about the character. They felt more alive in those games versus something that just felt like is there just to be rescued .
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Peachie is my favorite Nintendo female. While she may be one of the generic Nintendo idols, she is amazing in just about any Mario Spin-off. Her SSBB and Super Mario 3D World look are to die for. xD
Let's see...
Princess Shokora from WL4. That game is so fleshed out and well done and it just improves upon the Wario Land series by doing what Wario lacked, telling a legit story as well as adding another female lead perhaps to be the better version of the save the princess cliché.
Kumatora. She's got attitude, she's got disguises, and she's just a really well done character as well. Not to mention she's an orphan/princess... hmm I see a pattern.
Captain Syrup. She's a very fleshed out character changing the way people looked at female characters in gaming and has a personality that is strictly her own and she has only made an appearance in Shake It later on so she is fleshed out and detailed enough to deserve a higher spot on the list.
Daisy. She has an interesting personality full of attitude, adds to the enjoyment of the spinoff Mario titles, and came from Sarasa land on an original GB title. She has yet to make more appearances in mainseries titles.
Inkling girl
  • #10
Doctor Naomi from No More Heroes ._. Although she isn't exactly a nintendo girl, NMH was originally wii exclusive, but if I had to choose from the true nintendo girls I'd choose Zelda, cause she's the most refined in my opinion
  • #11
Obviously this is easy lol I mean just look at my username, icon, and avatar. If you haven't realized yet I'll just tell ya. It's Tiki. Tiki is my (waifu) favorite character from the series FE. I mean she's in multiple games and I like her personality. She is my favorite character in the series and I just like the games with her in them a bit more xD. Not only that but she just makes me so sad. Being a Manakete she's 3,000 years old which means everyone she loved and all her friends die. She has to live with that pain and suffering until she passes. Plus I like her cute nicknames for Marth which is Mar-Mar and Bantu who is Ban-Ban.(Btw if you didn't realize Tiki is my waifu xD )
  • #12
I'm going to go with May from pokemon 3 generation. I like her design the best from all the other female pokemon protagonists. I really liked seeing her in pokemon ORAS and how she reacted as I played through the game. I also really like Princess Zelda from the Legend of Zelda. She is rally strong and can even help Link in the toughest fights.
  • #13
Midna is mine she was pain in the but with her constant nagging about the Twilight and the mirrors but as the game progresses and she had gotten hurt I felt horrible and when the end of the game came I was sad to see her go.