Favorite Overwatch Hero

  • Thread starter Marc
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"Marc's the sugar daddy of gaming" - Artisan 2020
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I played some Overwatch during the free weekend today and I just figured out the special ability of one of the characters I used - Sombra. She has an invisible sprint. I'm guessing the other character I used had some sort of bomb or charge shot with right-click because Sombra couldn't do it, unfortunately.

List of Overwatch characters :


Who are your favorite heroes in the game? :D
Probably you're talking about Symmetra. You should have tried Pharah, shooting rockets is so satisfying. I used to play mostly her and Soldier 76 or Lucio if we needed heals but as of late I've been playing a lot of Roadhog and damn if he isn't a great character. Hooking those tracers, so satisfying.
Haven't got that sort of game. :/ (any chance it can be optimized for an Asus brand Windows Vista PC laptop?)
Should work. Check your specs compared to recommended specs of the game
I love playing as junkrat, its just fun to launch a wall of bombs at the enemy and do a trap/mine combo.
He sucks at anything long range though. I get killed a lot if there is a pharah or roadhog on the map
I've always enjoyed playing Winston the most, even though he's definitely not my best character. It's just so fun to leap in and out of battle and be able to disrupt the enemy team with his ULT. Not to mention that he gives most low hp characters a run for their money.
I main Torbjorn...

Zenyatta is my favorite. Mainly because no one plays healer in comp and I need to make up for the slack

I main Torbjorn...


ur a monster
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  • #10
I've become more accustomed to play as Junkrat, ironically I'm better on attack with him though and I'm pretty good at long range shots :p

Mercy/Torbjorn has been my combo for recent matches though. And for 3v3s I always go Mercy, and my team always wins :D My winrate has most certainly gone up since I've been maining Mercy though :p

And for the people that complain that defence heros are bad on attack, if played well then it can be highly useful. Torb for example is very useful on point take maps, and even payload maps as you can set up a turret on the payload and you've got a mobile turret!

Tbh, all those are my favourite charators, including Mei though. The adorable Mei I'm not very good at playing as, but dang is she cute :3
  • #11
for me it's kinda a tie between widowmaker and grandma (ana). i like playing widow not only bcz people never expect a widow to be useful, but also bcz i always get a ton of headshots and have even gotten people to leave a few times =P
i like playing ana bcz she's got really good healing, a surprising amount of damage, and her ult can make basically anyone into an unstoppable killing machine coughreinhardtcough
EDIT: I also like playing zarya a lot whenever my team needs a tank. i've gotten pretty good at timing her shields and have made the enemies basically waste their ults multiple times :T
  • #12
I know this is a bit of a bump, but I'll contribute!

D.Va. D.Va. D.Va
"Love, D.Va! <3"

Hahaha. She's too cute. But also, I like Reaper, and Tracer in terms of personality. I love how they're releasing so much backstory for the characters, such as the comics and stuff, too!
  • #13
But also, I like Reaper, and Tracer in terms of personality.

Tracer is my most hated character >.> She's just so annoying to kill and I even just hate her personality.

I do agree with the DVA though, she's just adorable (Especially with her new highlight intro :p)