Favorite Star Fox Game

  • Thread starter Tuzo
  • Start date


Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
So what is your favorite star fox game?

Starfox 64 for me, it's the only one I have played lol
Star Fox Assault is actually my favorite, essentially for the multiplayer mode.
Starfox 64 and Starfox for the SNES are both equal for me.
Starfox 64 for me. Great game! =3
My favorite starfox game is Starfox 64 3D because I thought it was really fun and I used to play it a lot a few years ago. But, even though it's not as new it's still good and fun to play.
My favorite Star Fox is the original. I must have completed the game several times, going through each path, and even getting to the hidden areas like the giant slot machine. I don't always beat games I buy, but this one kept me playing enough to do so more than once. Also of note is that Slippy Toad in the original had a deeper 'voice' than that of Peppy Hare. Star Fox 64 was a nice 'upgrade' but while the 'tank' and 'sub' sections were ok, they weren't my favorite parts - which were flying the AR-Wing. Star Fox Adventure wasn't a true Star Fox game, it was RARE's cancelled Dinosaur Planet with a new character model. I have not played Assault, but from video reviews I've seen, less than half of the game really fits the series - the in-ship flying levels.
My favorite Star Fox game is definitely Star Fox 64 along with its excellent 3DS remake, Star Fox 64 3D. This game held so much promise, promise that was sadly squandered as the series went on. The characters, the art style, and the level design made the game into something that was incredibly special for its time, and something that still remains special to this day.
I think the original Star Fox 64 was really good. (I'm not sure, but I think the 3DS one was nerfed to allow new comers.)
Then there's Star Fox 2. They had two characters we never see again. :/ (I only have a rom of that one tho.)
My favourite star fox game is star fox adventures for the nintendo gamecube. Man I loved that game!! The fact that you can visit different biomas, and then get on your ship to me was amazing. I also loved getting around dinosaurs,so to me that is the best star fox game I have played. I have played some of them, and none of them has been as good as adventures.