Favorite things about Harvest Moon. :3

  • Thread starter P2.0
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BlueJ was here.
Towns Folk
Hiya! P2.0 here, coming at ya with another game I've played before: Harvest Moon. So, the very first game of the series I played was Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town. Now back then, I looked up a lot of things I should do for first starting out. Needless to say, I was pretty good at it afterwards. :p Farming is probably my best trait there. I can clear a pretty good amount of the field out before planting. (Oh, but for people who don't know about HM, there's lots of other things to do besides farming! )

Fishing is probably one thing I semi like. XD Waiting for the fish to bite is just so boring, I felt sleepy after catching a few. ^^" So, I wouldn't call it a favorite, just if you need a quick buck, lol

Now mining is something I love. Finding ore and jewels is just marvelous! You can jack up your money real quick by getting far in the mines. (Now I'm switching into Animal Parade. :p ) Wonderfuls in the mine fetch a pretty high price if refined. I bet a lot of you get mad when you get glass orbs. <.< I know I do, lol. Also, turning them into jewelry? I think you get more, so that's a plus. (And getting a necklace that's the perfect going is cool too. :cool: )

And who doesn't love their pets? :cat: In AP, I kept a beagle, a cub, and a penguin at one point. :D And taught em' how to do tricks! We won a ton of feed for the farm animals. ;) Never had to buy a bunch through the year. Great, huh? Pets are a favorite. <3

The actual farm animals are a chore to take care of, but if you give em' lots of love and attention, you'll get a lot of good products from them to sell. Plus, you can ride them into the sunset! Come, my faithful steed! >o< The main animals I rode was a horse, and I think an Ostrich. :hilarious: I was the talk of the town, and races!

Another thing you could do is level up your house by gathering material, by chopping wood and collecting Material Stones. Material Stones come from rocks in the mines that take more than one hit to break. And of course, wood comes from the trees in the forest, or farm, if you have any. Collecting it is such a pain, but I love using it for my house! :D So much room to buy and set things up for...something. :sneaky: Probably my second favorite thing to do in those games.

Now...For my favorite thing to do in HM...Probably saw this coming, most of you. Yup, that's right: Raising a family. Call me a huge dork, or a big softie, but that's my favorite, so sue me. XD Giving presents to my potential spouse is always something I like doing, as well as to anyone. (Sadly, I need money to actually do that irl. :p ) Seeing their faces light up with a smile warms my heart! :3 Then, that one day...When you get the Blue Feather, the symbol in all HM games to propose, that's when you get nervous... :oops: I know I'm always a pretzel, at least. :hilarious: But after watching the ceremony, the smoochy-smooch, then going home? That's when everything changes. I wanna shower my hon with so many gifts, but I know only one is enough, so I grab her favorite thing, and keep mounds of it. :p And she actually helps you out if you ask her! Isn't she the best!? :love:

As the seasons pass, one day, she asks if you want a baby. :eek: That's what I work for everyday, to make sure I have enough money to take care of them. :artist: So, confidently, I say yes. It makes you so nervous waiting for your son/daughter to be born, you don't ask your wife to do anything anymore when you get ready to work for the day. You start feeling so worried.. :oops:

Anyhoo, then one day, it happens. She tells you that she needs to go to the doctors. NOW. :eek: After a short scene, a new life is born. (I know it's a game, but geez, that made me so happy.. :) ) Now, a new thing to add to the schedule! Say hello to your baby, and play with him/her, and don't forget to say Good morning to your sweetie! :eek: More things to do, but I don't care. :3 As the seasons pass by, you watch your child grow up, and soon, they're already old enough to help out.. ;-; Quite a snug little family, right? :) That is, until your wife lets you know there's one more on the way. TvT. (Listening to Zelda's Lullaby right now doesn't help fight back emotions, lol) Your child is so happy to hear the news, and so are you. You have your first help out while mother takes it easy until that day. Another life is born to you, a new responsibility. The pride of holding a baby of your own is just too overwhelming. :D. As the Swanson's pass once again, your second child grows up, and now, he/she is helping you out too! So what do you do now? Get a family picture taken. :)

And that, is my favorite part of Harvest Moon. :)
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